Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation are parts of what?
The Water Cycle
In which stage does water vapor (gas) turn back into a liquid?
What is condensation
What makes the water cycle possible?
Heat from the SUN
What are some types of precipitation?
name 4
What is...
rain, sleet, snow, hail, freezing rain
What forms can precipitation take?
What is...
soild or liquid
The process in which liquid water is turned to water vapor.
In what stage does water fall back to earth?
What is precipitation
Where might water be stored after a rain?
What is a
puddle, lake or ocean...
What are some solid types of precipitation?
What is
sleet or hail
What does it mean to conserve water?
What is
to save and protect it
The collecting of water in streams, lakes, and oceans.
In what stage does a liquid turn into a gas?
What is evaporation
Where is most of our water on earth found?
The ocean
translucent balls created when snow melts on its way down to earth
What are....
ice pellets
What are some sources of water pollution?
What is...
oil leaks, oil spills, dumping, waste water treatment, sewage, farming pesticides.
The process in which water vapor is changed back into liquid water.
There was a puddle and the next day it was gone. What happened?
What is....
Where can water be stored or accumulated?
What is
Rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, oceans, aquifers...
Water vapor that turns directly into ice. This happens when water condenses around an ice crystal.
What is...
Water that is found underground is called
What is...
The passage of water vapor from a plant to the atmosphere is called...
Water vapor cooling, forming larger, more visible droplets...
What is...
What source of energy drives the water cycle?
What is....
A large round raindrop that is repeatedly blown back up into the high clouds until it grows heavy and falls.
What is...
Name 2 different water sources in your community.
Chattahoochee River, Etowah River, Lake Allatoona, lakes, surface water, wells, ground water...