Cause and Effect
What animal made the tracks they found the first morning?
What is a mountain lion.
Leo Helps Out Leo heard a thud on the landing. Somebody moaned softly. “Who’s there?” he called. “Leo, can you help me?” answered Mrs. Yee. Leo ran up and found Mrs. Yee sitting on the floor. She asked him to call Mr. Yee because she had twisted her ankle and couldn’t get up. Leo did, then kept Mrs. Yee company while she waited. Why did Mrs. Yee ask Leo to call Mr. Yee?
Mrs. Yee asked Leo to call Mr. Lee because she had twisted her ankle and couldn't get up.
What is a boulder?
It is a large, round rock.
a pronoun that takes the place of the name Madison
What is she or her.
Look at the high price! This washing machine is really________. (underpriced, overpriced, or mispriced)
What is overpriced.
How can you tell that the family in this story enjoys being together?
They go on camping trips; they help one another climb safely; they share their joy at reaching the top of the waterfall.
Jacob hid at the back of the closet behind some hanging clothes, but Nancy found him after only a minute. “How did you find me so quickly?” he asked. Nancy answered, “It’s raining outside. When you came in, you had mud on your shoes and didn’t clean them, so you left footprints. I just followed the footprints.” Why did Jacob leave footprints?
Jacob left footprints because he got mud on his shoes and didn't clean them before he came in the house.
What is a deep valley with steep walls on both sides, formed by running water?
What is a canyon.
a pronoun that replaces the word "book" in this sentence: The book was on the floor.
What is "it".
That dryer has the wrong price on it. I'll tell the clerk it is_______________. (underpriced, overpriced, or mispriced)
What is mispriced.
The boy's heart feels "big and wild" when he sees the tracks of the mountain lion. What do you think this means?
The boy really feels as if he is participating in an adventure; the tracks show him that he is exploring nature where wild animals life; he feels brave and successful.
Carmela on Watch Carmela watches people carefully because she wants to be a detective and a detective has to notice even little things. Carmela notices what people do and say. If she sees something strange, she puts it into her secret book. She thinks that one day her book might help catch a robber. Why does Carmela watch people carefully?
Carmela watches people carefully because she wants to be a detective and so she has to notice things.
What is a cauldron?
It is a large pot used for boiling.
A pronoun that replaces the words "Jacob and I" in this sentence. Jacob and I were going to the store.
What is "We". We were going to the store.
What two homonyms sound the same. (covered, bear, and bare)
What is bear and bare.
Why do you think the father changes his mind about letting the boys climb the waterfall?
He realizes how important the climb is to the boys; he knows they will be careful and wants them to succeed.
Bill’s Feathers Bill swept the floor three times but kept finding feathers. They were tiny and the broom made the air move, so they just kept flying away. His mother said he could not do anything else until the feathers were gone. Bill knew she meant it. “I’ll never get them all,” Bill groaned. “That’s the last pillow fight I’ll ever have.” Why did the feathers fly away?
The feathers flew away because they were tiny and the broom made the air move.
What is a group of small waterfalls in a river where the water flows very fast?
What are rapids.
Tyler and I like to munch on fruity snacks. We enjoy sharing them. Who is the "we" in the passage?
Who are Tyler and I.
What two antonyms mean the opposite? (covered, bear, and bare)
What are bare and covered.
Why is "The Dancer" important to the boy?
It reminds him of the family trip, the joy he felt at reaching the top of the waterfall, and his own success in carrying it back down the mountain.
Feeding the Birds Many people feed birds because birds are so pretty and fun to watch. If you would like birds to come to your house, put out some seeds, bread, or fruit. You can throw the food on the ground or leave it outside your window. Books from the library will help you learn the names of the birds you see. Why do people feed birds?
People feed birds because birds are pretty and fun to watch.
Define the word "scouted".
What is to have observed or explored carefully for information.
He fell off the monkey bars. What is the pronoun in the sentence?
What is "he".
Use the three words to make a compound word to best complete the sentence. (light, flash, and headed) Luckily, my companion had a _________________in his backpack.
What is flashlight.