Unit 1 Matching
Unit 2 Matching
Unit 3 Matching
Unit 3 Fill in the Blanks
Unit 3 Scenarios

Lawmaker, Oceanic

Legislator, Marine








Javita Idár, a journalist and equal rights activist for Mexican Americans and women, would become  ___________________ toward anyone who tried to take away her freedom of speech.

The ___ hope of visitors to the National Zoo in Washington, DC, is to have the chance to see the pandas, especially the cubs. 

Hostile, Ultimate


While walking on Tivoli Street, Maria saw a wild peacock in the middle of the road. She quickly and immediately turned down the next street. She responded without thinking because she was not sure if peacocks would attack.

Because his parents thought he would forget to turn off the oven and lock the doors before bed, they left Miles a “Safety Checklist” while they were out of town. Miles was upset that they didn’t trust him until he realized he had left the front door open and the oven on all day.

Automatic, Incapable


Home, Twist

Habitat, Entangle





Frown, Best

Pout, Ultimate


From a very early age, Alistair learned to be ___________________ for every meal; otherwise, the food might all be gone before he sat down at the table.

The whole audience thought the comedian’s  ___________________ of a British accent was terrible, but the comedian thought their laughter meant it was good.

Punctual, Imitation


When the basketball players were late to practice, the coach always told them about how his father never needed an alarm to wake up at 4:00 AM and get to work on time.

The peacock, who some just called Tivoli, liked to sit on one spot of Grazyna’s roof. This made that section of the roof lose its shape and begin to sag and leak during rainstorms.


Punctual, Deformed 


Litter, Residents, Move

Debris, Population, Transplant





Copy, Unable, Plan

Imitation, Incapable, Arrangement


Cheryl Marie Wade did not accept that her disability meant she was ___________________ of experiencing the joys and struggles of life like everyone else.

Many zoos try to create natural environments for their animals by growing trees and plants in a ___ and random way.

Incapable, Haphazard


Wildlife photographers around the world spend time finding ways to take photographs that will disturb the animals as little as possible. They know it would be wrong to harm nature as they try to share images of its beauty with others.

 When the children arrived at school and discovered that their beloved beehive had been destroyed in the storm, they couldn’t hide their sadness. Their teacher looked at her classroom full of puffy lower lips and tear-filled eyes and knew she had to try and create a new home for the bees.

Conscience, Pouting


Protection, Trash, Wearing

Conservation, Discard, Erosion


Hesitant, Weight

Reluctant, Burden


Angry, Strengthen, Beliefs

Hostile, Reinforce, Conscience


When visitors saw the panda cub, Bei Bei, their excitement caused them to  ___ begin taking pictures without even thinking about it.

China ___ to move Bei Bei from the National Zoo in DC to a protected panda reserve in China when he turned four.

Automatically, Arranged


Koa set up an appointment with a cat trainer because his cat kept jumping on the kitchen counter and scratching all the furniture. He hoped this meeting with the trainer could help him teach his cat better behaviors.

After many years of trying to improve his writing, Hashir finally realized that he needed to look at what other writers did. He decided to study his favorite authors and copy the way they added in details and description to make their stories more interesting.

Arranged, Imitate


Strengthen, Ton, Change, Physical

Sustain, Abundance, Adapt, Tangible


Feature, Character

Trait, Reputation


Timely, Disorganized, Twisted

Punctual, Haphazard, Deformed


The local weather report showed strong storms for the weekend, which  ___________________ the family’s decision to change their camping plans.

It did not take long for Ravenna to learn that she could always talk her grandpa into getting ice cream if she ___________________ and showed him her sad eyes.

Reinforced, Pouted


The whole town spent days preparing for the hurricane. They built new supports for weak spots on their homes and businesses. They also worked to strengthen the sea wall to lower the town’s risk for flooding.

People are usually very organized and strict in the way they train dogs. However, many people believe that training a cat is not needed or should be less organized since cats seem more independent than dogs.

Reinforced, Haphazardly
