Super Dave Movies and Specials
Welcome To Fantasyland
Season 1: Episode 1-5
Season 1: Episodes 6-8
Season 1: Episodes 9-12

In Super Dave's Day of the family spends there day at this tropical location

What is Hawaii


As soon as Grace and Amber set foot in Fantasyland, Amber is captured by this evil Disney Villain

Who is Maleficent


Rocky frees Shawn, Leanne and Super Dave from the Werewolves in the episode CorpsVille, and they leave Grace behind. How does Grace Escape?

She doesn't. The WereWolves let her go, she talks to much for their sensitive ears.


Dave's taken Elaine on some pretty lousy dates. However this one went smoothly in the episode Crystal Stars where did he take her?

What is a Movie Theatre 


In the episode Face the Music we find out there isn't just one but two Elementals of Music. Melody whose source of power is her guitar and this character whose instrument is her voice.

Who is Harmony


In the movie Super Dave the Thanksgiving Special, there is a funny scene where Dr. Meanzo gets lost in the corn maze. We all remember bob a cob of corn he drew a face on to keep him company if he was stuck there forever, this question is do you remember what happened to bob?

Super Dave threw him across the corn maze where he landed on a kid's head.


Where is the first place, Grace looks for help? Who does she find there?

The first place Grace searches is the forest. Where she finds Snow White.


In the first episode of Super Dave and the Elementals, we see SuperDave and Mooknight locked in an intense battle. One point in time Super Dave gets angry with Moonknight for breaking this prized object of his.

What is his favourite soup laddle.


Everyone remembers when the Queen gave Super Dave 2 new campers and a Book On the Elementals in the episode Time For A Cup Of Tea. But does anyone remember what Grace got?

A crown And her own Royal Title


In the Episode Scuba Dive Cuba Thrive, the family pulls names from a hat to decide their partners for searching the elementals. Unfortunately for Super Dave, he gets paired with this character.

Who is Dr. Meanzo.


In the movie Super Dave the Thanksgiving Special, what was Dr. Meanzo's reasoning as to why he should drive? What was Super Dave's rebuttal? Who ended up driving?

Dr. Meanzo said he should drive because Super Dave always exceeds the speed limit. 

Super Dave's argued that Dr. Meanzo doesn't have a driver's license.

But it was the beautiful Elaine who ended up driving.


In the movie there were three Disney villains who Grace and the princesses had to fight in order to get Amber back. Let's see there was Maleficent, Evil Queen and this villain. What a poor unfortunate soul you would be if you ran into her. 

Who is Ursula


In the episode Corpsville there are no zombies...thank the lord. But unfortunately there are these three standard monsters.





In the episode Be My Valentine Dr. Meanzo scales a building to steal a diamond from the top floor. Sam who was helping him somehow manages to beat him to the top how?

He took the elevator


In the Episode Boys Night, Dr Meanzo signs the guys to be on Jeopardy. But because they are celebrities they have to donate there winnings to a charity. Super Dave selects his as this.

What is Animal Shelters


In Super Dave the Original, SuperDave's team consists of four members. Techna, Joker, Ruby and this character, who unfortunately was captured during the fight against Dr. Meanzo.

Who is Royal Bee


In the Movie Grace realizes it's probably not a good idea to mention the real world to fictional characters, so when asked where she's from. She says she's from this kingdom.

What is Arendelle


In the Episode the Man in The Hat, Dr. Meanzo joins Super Dave in the search for Elementals, but not before stealing...I mean "borrowing" this article of clothing from him.

What is his golf shirt


In the Episode Crystal Stars Grace goes of on her own after the family forgets to bring her on the tour. Very Kevin McAlister...except Leanne doesn't suddenly remember Grace is not there like Kevin's mom did. Instead they find out she's missing this way. 

They see her on TV, at the oscar's with Crystal stars.


In the episode Golden Gates Sunny and Moonknight are fighting. At one point one of Sunny's rays misses Moonknight and instead hits this character leading to their death.

Who is Sunny's Best Friend


In Super Dave Rise of the sidekicks we are re-introduced to Dr. Meanzo's sidekicks. I believe there names were Darkheart, Queen Bee, Oceannia and this character, often forgotten. A malice girl whose name is derived from latin origin.

Who is Malitia


I remember how Grace pushed Amber through the portal and it closing, but I might need a refresher on how Grace got home after that.

Grace got home by wishing on a star, during the song When You Wish Upon A Star. Sung by all the princesses


In the episode Corpsville the family finds themselves in a monster town. In a normal monster movie people would defend themselves with silver bullets, wooden stakes and cloves of garlic. However seeing as they were on the road they had to improvise substituting the standard protection for these objects.

A silver mirror replaces silver bullets

A Wooden clothing hanger replaces a wooden stake

Garlic prank spray replaces cloves


In the Episode Be My Valentine Dr. Meanzo and Sam are given a long list of things to steal by MoonKnight. However what did they steal first?

What is Mel's Bracelet


In the episode Golden Gates the first few scenes are flashbacks, in those flashbacks we are introduced to Sunny and her best friend. In one scene Sunny and her bestie get ice cream. Sunny orders chocolate for herself and this flavour for her best friend.

What is cookie dough
