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A temporary deal was reached that would freeze this country's nuclear program.
What is Iran?
In this "game," teens sucker punch strangers from behind in an attempt to knock them unconscious. This may be happening in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C.
What are "knockout" attacks?
Duke Energy agreed to pay $1 million in fines after its wind turbines killed these animals.
What are birds?
You would need to travel to this country in Africa to learn the ways of the Masai.
What is Kenya?
Visit the Newseum in Washington, D.C. in order to see the new exhibit based on this 2004 comedy starring Will Ferrell.
What is Anchorman?
This country is experiencing conflict between those who would like to be more closely aligned with Russia and those who are more pro-European.
What is Ukraine?
Three white San Jose State University students are accused of committing this type of crime against their black roommate.
What is a hate crime?
Women who used birth control pills for 3 years or more have a higher risk of developing this disease that can cause blindness.
What is glaucoma?
Art Spiegelman is best known for this graphic novel about his relationship with his Holocaust-survivor father.
What is Maus?
This creature was rescued from a disused diamond mine in South Africa 8 days after falling 700 feet into the pit.
What is a little brown dog?
Vancouver, Canada has banned these on all newly constructed buildings to help the elderly and people with disabilities.
What are doorknobs?
This Newtown, Connecticut gunman had an obsession with past mass shootings and detailed them on a spreadsheet.
Who is Adam Lanza?
This new app will allow women to rate their date.
What is Lulu?
This seasonal, Disney princess film got three stars from its reviewers.
What is Frozen?
A couple in India has been sentenced to life in prison for committing this kind of crime.
What is honor killing?
This nation is particularly upset about Iran's nuclear deal, as Iran has often stated that it would like to wipe this country off the map.
What is Israel?
A school superintendent in this state was charged with covering up a rape committed by high school football players in his district.
What is Ohio?
Seismologists discovered an active volcano more than a half-mile beneath this continent, another factor in addition to global warming that could contribute to melting ice.
What is Antarctica?
This cozy Chicago restaurant may have been established by 19th century Czech immigrants but it's the place to go for this type of cuisine.
What is Mexican?
This actress loves living in Nashville with her husband, Keith Urban.
Who is Nicole Kidman?
France sent troops to this country in Africa in order to stop violence between Muslims and Christians, something that experts warn could turn into a genocide.
What is Central African Republic?
Democrats took the "nuclear option" of changing a rule regarding this procedure because they were fed up with Republicans using this procedure to block Obama's nominees for judicial and executive appointments.
What is the filibuster?
This device allows users to "taste" foods without actually eating them. This may be used in future games and apps, as well as health care.
What is a virtual taste simulator?
This state's unofficial motto is "Come and Take It."
What is Texas?
The Federal Communications Commission is considering lifting a ban on cell phone use in this place.
What is an airplane?