I owned a Dance Studio
John M.
I used to own an Italian Restaurant
Chef Lenny
Finish this sentence in the Mission Statement:
Legend Senior Living is dedicated to providing:
The highest standards of quality of service, environment and care to residents and their families...
Eye Washing Station
Kitchen, Laundry Room, Maintenace Office
What are the names of the 3 people who work at the front desk?
Chelsea, Randi, Teresa
I drove a school bus for disabled children
Carolyn H.
I was a professional bicyclist for 15 years.
My bike cost over $3000
When do you wash your hands?
1.Before serving in the dining room
2. After removing dirty plates
3. In between care of EACH resident
4. After eating
5. After collecting trash
6.Before administering medications
7. After using the Bathroom
Water Shut Off Valve
In the room by the Dumpster
Explain the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia?
Alzheimer's is a disease
Dementia is a symptom of:
Lewy Body's
Mad cow disease
Huntington's Disease
Traumatic Brain injury
and More
Alzheimer's used to only be diagnosed after death but now there are blood tests that will show bio markers that indicate the presence of Alzheimer's Disease in the brain. Neuropathways have been disrupted by plaques in the Brain, causing loss of functions.
I was a science teacher and then went into real estate.
Dale H.
My significant other is a pilot
How do we serve plates to residents?
Leave it on the Left
Remove it from the Right
NEVER- reach over the table with plates or hand a resident the plate.
Closest fire extinguisher
Country Kitchen
Name 3 Core Values
8.Individual development
I speak 5 languages
Ellen M.
I have a degree in Healthcare Administration
Ramsey and Faythe
Why would a resident not get charged for a meal tray?
How much does a room tray cost the resident?
When they are sick or when they are on hospice.
Emergency Response Plan
Clock In/Copy Room-Red Binder
What should you say instead of:
1. "Shes Demented / Crazy "
2. "He needs more Diapers"
3. "Let's go to you Room"
1. "She's Memory Impaired"
2. "He needs more Protective Garments / Depends"
3. "Let's go to your apartment"
(We sell apartments, not rooms)
I was a pediatrician
John G.
I have an African Grey Parrot
What does HIPPA stand for?
Give an example of a HIPPA Violation.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIPAA Violation Scenarios:
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Main Laundry, on the wall. Located by the Kitchen.
Where can you use your cell phone while working?
In the break room or outside.
Your phone or earpiece should not be seen when you are on the floor. No texting or being on your phone while in hallways, common areas or residents' apartments.