The original horse breed used by The Wolves Legacy.
What is the Arabian?
The first member of The Wolves Legacy.
Who is Muddy?
Star Stable's best dancing NPC.
Who is Jasper?
The name of the main club horse.
Who is Avaris?
Opal's favorite thing to do in Dundull.
What is sniffing Dundull bedsheets?
The 3 original disciplines The Wolves Legacy practiced.
What are dressage, show jumping, and cross country?
The one member of The Wolves Legacy that has a child.
Who is Rocky?
The leader of the Keepers of Aideen, and a favorite sentence-enhancing word for the members of TWL.
Who is Fripp?
The name of the club hangout horse.
Who is Suzie Igg Edward Fred Vlassic Pickle Hintonbutt (Sief)?
What are man scented popsicles?
When The Wolves Legacy changed their disciplines for the first time, they changed it to dressage, hangout, and this discipline.
What is western?
The member of The Wolves Legacy that hates circle moves the most.
Who is Finnegan?
Everyone's favorite mayor.
Who is Mayor Peanut?
What is the drug dealer outfit?
Galloper Thompson's moonlight job.
What is stripping?
When The Wolves Legacy changed their club horse for the first time, it went from the Arabian to this horse breed.
What is the Appaloosa?
The member of The Wolves Legacy that is one of the original Club Leaders (and is still a leader today).
Who is Rue?
The man of Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur. Also one of Chainsaw's crushes.
Who is Nic Stoneground?
The name of TWL's club logo.
Who is Oskari?
The name of the horse Opal is married to (one of Muddy's).
Who is Whistler?
When The Wolves Legacy changed their club horse for the second time, it changed to the English Thoroughbred in these two coats.
What are black and light bay?
One of the oldest members of The Wolves Legacy that does not have Discord. She is not a leader.
Who is Sab?
Muddy's favorite NPCs (there are 2). They are brothers.
Who are Avalon and Evergray?
The name of TWL's club mascot.
Who is Pickled Peter?
What is Lama's basement?