This number is Darin's birth order
What is the number 3?
Darin's reliable car pool driver for U of M
Who is Dena Coward?
Lot of learning on a 1978 field trip to this country
What is Barbados?
Darin's favorite soccer team
What is Toronto FC?
Darin and Randy worked here
What is Sun Life?
Where Darin met Jeanette
What is Ryerson?
This team was not likely to win in intramural badminton
Who are Frank Skelly and Cindy Shell?
Destination for D & J's 30th Anniversary
What is Paris?
Darin's baking specialty
What is a pie?
The last pit stop in a long career
What is Tangerine?
Alden Diehl's famous Windsor radio station
What is CKLW?
Darin's first university faculty
What is agriculture?
Darin visited these 3 Hawaiian islands during Hawaii 6-0
What is Oahu, Maui and Kawaii?
Darin was a caddy for this rock star
Who is Alice Cooper?
He reported on this important sports story in 1988
What is the Ben Johnson Olympic doping scandal?
The secret contestant in the Dating Game at Sturgeon
Who is Margaret Diehl?
Darin's Grade 12 Grad date
Who is Laura Simmons?
Honeymoon destination
What is New Orleans?
This favorite charity hosted his 60th.
What is Studio 89?
This financial giant plastered Darin's face on office towers
What is Sun Life Financial?
Sean was born in this year
What is 1998?
His first TO neighborhood after leaving residence
What is Roncesvalles?
3 couples, 3 weeks in this European country for their 25th wedding anniversary
What is Italy?
Darin's favorite musical twins
Who are the Freeman Brothers?
His first job was with this national media company
What is Standard Broadcasting?