Vocabulary Words
What caused them to explore?
Who was already here in 1492?
Early Explorers
The "Encounter"
Using oxen to pull a cart is an example of: DOMESTICATION or CIVILIZATION?
What is domestication?
Gutenberg opened lots of eyes (and minds) by using what invention to make multiple copies of the Bible?
What is moveable type?
Archaeologists have discovered seashells and turquoise in their burial mounds. By what name do we refer to this group?
What are the Moundbuilders?
He's been given credit, falsely, for being the first person to circumnavigate the globe. Who is he?
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
In what year did the Columbian Exchange begin?
What is 1492?
When we read that Tenochtitlan had an organized government, this is an example of: TECHNOLOGY or CIVILIZATION?
What is civilization?
He nailed 95 reasons he disagreed with the Catholic Church. One of the main complaints he had was the sale of indulgences. Who was this German monk?
Who is Martin Luther?
This Native American group held elaborate dinners. At these dinners, they gave away many of their possessions. What part of North America would we find this group?
What is the Pacific Northwest?
True or False? Marco Polo wrote of his adventures to Japan, which inspired many others, including Columbus, to explore.
FALSE. Marco Polo wrote of his time in China.
Name three plants that were taken from the Old World (Europe, Asia, and Africa) to the New World.
What is sugar, rice, tea,wheat, or rye?
Using a pulley to lift large stones from a quarry is an example of: DOMESTICATION or TECHNOLOGY?
What is technology?
Over 100,000 Europeans traveled far from their homelands in order to try and take the Holy Lands back. What were these wars called?
What are the Crusades?
The Indians of the Eastern Woodlands allowed women to have more power than most civilizations. Which of the following were they allowed to do? A) be elected chief B) serve as priests C) hunt with the men D) choose the sachem (chief)
What is "choose the sachem"?
The Spanish explorers were often times here to conquer. What is the name given to these men?
What is conquistador?
Name three diseases introduced to the New World by the Spanish explorers.
What is malaria, diphtheria, typhoid, yellow fever, influenza, whooping cough, and cholera, measles, small pox, and scarlet fever?
Europeans who traveled to the Holy Lands during the Crusades witnessed the triangular sails of Arabian ships. These ships were called what?
What is a caravel?
Leonardo da Vinci, Johann Gutenberg, and Michelangelo were all part of a movement that means "rebirth". It increased our interest in science and the arts. What is this time period called?
What is the Renaissance?
This Native American group lived in the cliffs of the southwest. What name do we use to refer to this group?
What is the Anasazi?
He is credited with conquering the Aztecs. Who was this Spanish conquistador?
Who is Hernando Cortez?
Why is Columbus Day a controversial holiday to some groups?
1) The idea of "discovery" is false. 2) Columbus brought many diseases to the New World. 3) Columbus enslaved and tortured Native peoples.
Some civilizations used an agricultural technique that required fire. Today it's not used too often. What's this three-word technique called?
What is "slash and burn"?
This route allowed for the transporting of ideas, products, and people from Europe to China. What's it called?
What is the Silk Road?
The Inuit prefer not to be called Eskimos. The term Eskimo was a reference to what practice of the Inuit?
What is "eaters of raw meat"?
This Scandinavian tried to get more people to move to places like Greenland and Eastern Canada. By what name do we know him?
Who is Lief Ericson?
The "Three G's" are.......
What is GREED, GOD, and GLORY?