Is the technology platform that will replace the current Old Age Security (OAS) systems
Pension start date is found in __________
Application Details evidence
Occurs when an individual is entitled to more than what they have been paid to date
An individual who has a profile in Cúram.
We've received a document to prove Legal Status. If proof of Legal status was required, this would be classified as _________.
Once a client applies for a benefit (via, either through auto-enrollment, mailing a paper application, or Client portal), an _________ ____ is created.
Application Case (AC)
The process of distributing work. In Cúram, an __________ strategy uses rules to assign tasks and optimize workload management.
Allocation - Term before was 'Assigning work'
They represent the amount that a client owes.
A way of showing information on screen that allows the user to navigate within a program
Viewing the submitted document so that we can confirm or reject the validation of the document.
Verification Document Status
Information about client or application details
Three (3) small dots located in the upper right of the Context Panel which contains actions relevant to that particular tab
Action Menu
There are 2 types of Voluntary Tax Withhold
Federal and Provincial (Provincial is only in Quebec)
Term used to describe if the client / beneficiary is single, married, common-law, separated, divorced, widowed, etc.
ESDC Processing Staff (ESDC Representative)
A pop up screen is launched whenever an action or process requires multiple modal dialogs for completion. A _______ contains several steps that the user works through to complete a task.
Processing agents can create an __________ from a client's profile
Application Case (AC)
Refers to a situation where several months of entitlement are issued in a single payment.
A defined group of tasks that will only apply to those individuals matching the skill set to do the task
Virtual Skills Group (VSG)
An individual can volunteer to pay towards another client’s Interest, Penalty or Overpayment liability.
Non-Debtor Volunteer
You can change the other identification information (e.g., SIN, first and last names and date of birth) by using
Change Identification Information window
Clients can access all services and functions when applying for OAS, GIS, ALW, ALWS and view their payments and update their info due to life event changes.
Client Portal - previously known as MSCA 'My Service Canada Account'
This will provide a gross amount, deductions withheld and the net payment amount
Payment Simulation
The person to which the payment is payable. Specifies the participant to receive the payment (i.e. payee)
Nominee - Previously known as the 'Payee'
_______ ________ case represents the ongoing delivery of a benefit to a person.
Product Delivery Case (PDC) - Active account