The deadline for weekly plan submission.
What is Friday by 4pm?
What are the 2 assessments that need to be completed by a child's 45th day of enrollment?
What is Brigance and DECA?
What are the 2 things that need to be done before a child can enter a site?
What is take their temperature and ask the parents the COVID questions?
How long should you wash your hands for?
What is 30 seconds?
What is the type of discipline we follow?
What is positive discipline?
The allotted time for technology in the classroom.
What is 20 minutes a week?
What are the age range difference in the Brigance forms?
What is 2 yr. old form, 3 yr. old form, 4 yr. old form, and a 5 yr. old form?
Teachers now need to wear this in the classroom at all times?
What is a mask?
Classrooms use this to keep track of the children in their room.
What is a whiteboard?
What is the strategy we follow for conflict resolution?
What is FLIP-IT?
What needs to be submitted after each planning meeting you have with your team?
What is the weekly planning meeting form?
What are the areas the DECA assesses?
What is initiative, self-regulation, attachment, and behavior concerns?
Therapists must sign this if they enter a site?
What is an attestation?
What is the spray bottle color we use to sanitize toys?
What is purple?
What is the appropriate type of physical interaction allowed in the classroom?
What is physical intervention?
What are the three weekly activities that need to be included in your plans?
What is a Choosy Activity, Health Activity, and a Nutrition Activity?
What are the age ranges for the 2 DECA forms?
What is 18 months - 36 months and 3-5 years old.
What is a temperature of 100 or higher, and/or any COVID symptom?
What spray bottle colors we use (in order) to clean tables?
What is green, blue, and red?
Teachers create this to help position staff throughout the room.
What is a zoning chart?
What daily areas need to be in your lesson plan?
What is Choice time, Large Group, Small Group, Transition Activities, Music and movement, Read aloud, and outdoor time.
What is 12/4/2020?
This will be offered if a parent continually picks up late.
What is home based placement or remote learning?
What needs to completed every morning by the classroom team before children arrive?
What is the Daily Health and Safety Checklist?
What are the 6 strategies to keep children safe?
What is set up the environment, position staff, scan and count, listen, anticipate children's behavior, and engage and redirect?