North America
South America
This avian "cartoon" is extinic greatly due to extensive logging.
What is Ivory Billed Woodpecker
This hibernating animal of Ecuador is endangered mostly due to habitat fragmentation caused by livestock farming and logging.
What is Andean Bear
This animal is known for its long neck to reach high up places. It is endangered due to pollution and other human interferences.
What is The Giraffe
Is in extreme danger due to loss of habitat and poaching (they are killed for their ivory tusks)
What is Asian Elephant
This little creature was once widely distributed throughout southern Australia, and the estimated population is around 2000. Their numbers have dropped mainly because of the introduction of the red fox and loss of habitat.
What is Numbats
This avian once inhabited the eastern coast of North America but is now extinct due to over hunting.
What is Labrador Duck
This swimming rodent inhabits along swift, cold, turbulent streams bordered by subalpine rainforest or grassy plains. It is endangered due to water pollution.
What is Aquatic rat
This animial is often referred to as the fastest animal in the world. It is endangered due to sport hunting, pollution and other human interferences.
What is The Cheetah
This animals is endangered due to loss of grasslands for agricultural development and poaching (their horns are used in Oriental medicine)
What is Indian Rhinoceros
Populations have reduced by 90% due to hunting for its meat and the loss and fragmentation of habitat due to clearing of land for agricultural expansion. Currently, they compete with other introduced herbivores and livetock. Disease, road deaths, climate change, and poisonous baiting also pose a threat to their survival.
Tasmanian forester kangaroo
This animal does more to shape the environment than almost any other animal species on Earth. Their fur is a fantastic insulator for clothing, and water resistant footwear. This animal is endangered due to being hunted and trapped.
What is Beaver
This swinging animal is endangered primary due to widespread deforestation and habitat fragmentation.
What is Blond Titi Monkey
This laughing scavenger is endangered due to poaching, pollution and other human interferences.
What is The Spotted Hyena
This bear is endangered due to farming of rivers, valleys and lower slopes of the mountains due t the increased popularity of bamboo products.
What is Giant Panda
This little reptile has suffered a severe reduction in numbers to around 15 to 25 today. This species has a restricted distribution and depends on its swamp habitat which has been greatly reduced and disturbed by draining and filling for agricultural purposes. The species also suffers predation by the introduced red fox.
What is Short-necked Turtle
Formerly prized furs, this animal is hunted for sport and for its hide.
What is Jaguar
"Madison County" rodent is endangered due to deforestation.
What is Bridges Degu
This animal has been known to climb skyscrapers. It is endangered due to sport hunting, pollution, and other human interferences.
What is The Gorilla
Sensitive to pollution because they are at the top of the food chain, also, hunting, habitat loss and collectors makes this avian endangered.
What is Monkey Eating Eagle
This animal has disappeared from most of its range because of the clearing of vegetation for agriculture, competition for food with nonnative mammals and predation by nonnative animals like cats and foxes.
What is The Banded Hare Wallaby
Only one of its kind in all of North American and often preyed on by the bobcat and coyotes. This animal is endangered due to logging, fire suppression, grazing, incidental trapping, and highways.
What is Lynx
An earthquake in recent days has greatly reduced the small population of this fine species. This species can be found on the southern coast of Chile. This Chilean mammal is endangered due to being hunted for crab bait.
What is Chilean Dolphin
This big eared animal is endangered due to pollution, sport hunting, poaching and other human interferences.
What is The African Elephant
This animal is endangered due to destruction and degradation of tropical rain forest along with illegal animal trade.
What is Orangutan
This flying creature is threatened by hunting and human disturbance. They remain vulnerable since they are only found in a single cave which has been raided by hunters in the past.
What is Bulmers Fruit Bat