What is the worlds population?
About 7.8 billion people
Demographers use demographic rates to measure and analyze________,__________,________
Growth, trends, and characteristics
Developing countries generally have______ populations, because of their high rate of natural growth and their short life expectancy
_______ is a difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants in a territory
The migration balance
A negative side effect of immigration is that the_________ is lowered in countries of origin
youth population
During the_________ a population explosion increased the worlds population from 1.6 billion to more than 6 billion
20th century
What is a high life expectancy due to?
Medical advances, and improvement in nutrition and sanitation
Name three popular, immigrant destinations
European Union, North America, Australia and Japan
_________ contribute to the economy of host countries
When was the period with the greatest population growth?
Since 18th century
The evolution of_____ and________ has been uneven in different regions of the planet
Birth and fertility
What does rapid population growth cause?
Economic resources to decrease
Name three reasons migration can happen
1. Wars.2. Political persecution.3. Natural disasters.4. Work opportunities. 5. Better living conditions.
What is xenophobia?
Fear of people from other countries
What is population density?
It's the total population of a territory divided by its surface area
What is the number of deaths of children under the age of one per 1000 live births?
Infant mortality rate
How can some countries lower the birth rate?
Making contraceptions widely available or encouraging family planning
In the past, why were Africans forced to migrate to America?
To work as slaves
Name three positive things that immigrants can have on host countries
1. Countries populations, get younger and grow 2. Immigrants contribute to the economy.3. People with different cultures and customs and rich the areas culture.4. Slow down aging populations.
What physical or human factors does a place need to have to have a high population density? (Name 3)
1. Abundant water. 2. A temperate climate. 3. Mineral resources. 4. Low, fertile land. 5. Industrial production. 6. Mining production 7. Agricultural production.
At the end of the 19th century, what became lower and developed countries and stayed high in developing countries?
Birth rate
What kind of population do developed countries have that underdeveloped countries don't?
Aging population/ elderly people/ old people
And developed countries, what happens in the 19th and 20 centuries when agriculture became merchandised?
A rural exodus
Name three negative side effects immigrants may have on host countries
1. Immigrants may struggle to adapt 2. Xenophobia may happen.3. Working conditions might be poor. 4. The underground economy expand. 5. Mafia may exploit illegal immigrants.