Which Star of Dragon ball did goku have as a kid
The 4 star Ball
How old is gohan as the start of Z
How many sayains are needed for the God ritual
Why did Goku and the gang have to leave earth in seach of the black star dragons
Because they blowup whatever planet they were used on(why would kami make those)
This character is stronger then super sayain 4 gogtea
Base Cabba
What was the first ever on screen wish on the Dragon balls
panties from a hot babe
What is goku power level in the sayain saga
It was over 8000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who hired hit to kill goku
What is Baby race called
The tuffles
who said this quote This Pain will make me stronger
Goku black
Who killed upa's dad
Who DNA is cell made out of
Goku Vegtea frezia king cold and piccolo
What was beerus old name before it was changed
Lord Bills
Which important villain isn't in dragon ball sparking zero
Super 17
This person is the youngest super sayain
What did Kami have to do to become guardian of earth
Kami got rid of all the evil in his heart which made demon king piccolo
What is buu named based on
Which universe had the first time traveler
universe 12
What wish birthed Oceania shenron
The panties wish
This person is the reason goku got to spend a day on earth in the buu saga
Name each person Goku fought during the Finals of each world tournament he got to the finals in.
Jackie Chun Tien and Piccolo Jr
Name me all the sayain transformations not includeing filler
great ape super sayain 1 grade 2 grade 3 super sayain 2 and super sayain 3
Which universe the was the first to be eliminated in the TOP
universe 9
Which movie villain makes a cameo appearance in GT
This person is said to have been beerus toughest fight he is said to be the strongest mortal in all of universe 7