Parts of the stage
Acting Terms
Audience Etiquette

the lights above the audience are called this

What are house lights?


When you are cast in a play, the first thing you must to as an actor is get your ___________, which has all of your lines in it? 

What is a script? 


Name one of the rules for Before the show

What is Arrive Early, Use the restroom, Turn off electronics, Warn Children, Be mindful to people around you, or locate the exits? 

Define the word mime 

What is a silent actor or a silent act that has no story 


______________ is a musical written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and it is still holds the record for the longest running musical today

What is The Phantom of the Opera


__________ is the body position of an actor when all of their front side of their body can be seen by the audience 

What is full front?

When you want to be a part of a play you must first attend an _________________ 

What is an audition? 


Name an audience etiquette rule for AFTER the show

What is wait till the house lights to come up before you exit or show your appreciation? 

Define the word Pantomime 

What is a silent act that has a story


Define the word Variety Show 

What is a show with singers, dances and joking combined into one show?


This is where the actors wait to come on backstage 

What are the wings


___________ is any specific actions other than blocking that is performed on stage by an actor on stage 

What is Business? 


It is important to turn OFF your electronics at a live theater performance because ________________________ 

What is it is distracting to the actors, it's rude, it's distracting to the other people around you, it's not polite, it might mess up or interfere with the sound system. 

Mime and Pantomime have this in common 

What is they are both silent?


This was considered to be first real musical, it opened on September 12, 1866

What is The Black Crook? 


__________ is the actors left when facing the audience and _________ is the actors right when facing the audience 

What are stage left and stage right? 

A ____________ is when an actor moves to one part of the stage to another while a ______________ is a movement by an actor in the direction opposite a cross to balance the stage picture. 

What is a Cross and a Counter Cross? 


Audience Etiquette can be defined as this _________________________________________

What is the proper way to act in a live performance? 


Name 2 of the famous mimes we talked about 

Who are Charley Chaplin, Marcel Marceau or Lucile Ball? 


This musical was the first musical to use the songs to progress the story line and character development

What is Oklahoma? 


Name the four types of stage 

What are Proscenium Stage, Flexible Stage, Thrust Stage and Arena stage?


Konstantin Stanislavski is important to the theater because he ______________________

What is created an acting technique called the Magic If and Method Acting? 


____________________ is the rule that is in two different sections of the audience etiquette rules, what is it? 

What is Be Mindful to people around you? 

The five steps to creating an object in pantomime are

What is 1. Focus (Visualize), 2. Reach (Approach), 3. Take (Establish Space), 4. Show, 5. Release (Let go)? 


Define the word Mega Musical and give an example of it

What is a fully or almost entirely sung-through musical that is produced on a large scale; examples could be: The Lion King, The Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, Wicked, or Newsies. 
