What is on the back wall of the theater stage
what are the mirrors
Who is the person that gives orders to everyone on set and directs everyone ?
What is Director
pick one person
MINUS 100 !!!!!!!! blame them :)
What building has the most stories ?
what is a library
i go all around the world but never leave the coroner what am i !
what is a stamp
What does the theater have 2 of.. but doesn't work ?
what are the TV's
Who sews, hot glues, stitches, hems dresses
What is Costume designer
Who's the best teacher in the whole wide world ???
me duhhhh ! plus 200
where does today come before yesterday
what is in a dictionary
I can fill a room but take up no space, and sometimes i could make it hot
what is light
What did Coach D burrow from ROTC but forgot to give back ?
What is the podium
Who has the responsibility of making sure that the movements make sense on stage ?
What is the choreographer
solve this 2 + 2 = ?
minus 300 points LOL !!!!!!!
it belongs to you but your friends use it more
what is your name
I am an odd number take away a letter and i become even what am i ?
what is SEVEN
what is 2
What person is in charge of getting the actors together back stage and at rehearsal
what is a stage manager
Who is the WORST teacher at Belaire
NUN !! minus 400 points for answering
What has 13 hearts but no other organs
what is a deck of cards
what can run but cannot walk
what is water
What are the black platforms actually supposed to be used for ?
what is a choir
Who is the person responsible for making sure everyone sounds great ?
what is the music director
guess what ?
Chicken buttttttt Add 500 pts
What can you catch but not throw ?
what is a cold
What starts with a T ends with a T and has T inside it
what is a teapot