Parts of the theater
Stage Directions
Theater Terms
Acting Terms
People in Theater

What is a hole in the floor of the stage called?

Trap or Trap Door


The middle of the stage.

Center Stage


What is the last week of rehearsal called, in which the technical aspects of the show are added; ie, lights and sound.

Tech week


What is a blocking move going from one part of the stage to another?



Who is in charge of the lights, sound, and set in a production?

Tech director


Where do the instrumentalists play during the performance?

Orchestra Pit or The Pit


Timmy, sitting in the front row, looks to his right as an actor makes their entrance from backstage. The actor would be entering from stage...

Stage Left


What is the act of tearing down the set and clearing the stage after a production is complete?



What term means to turn yourself so the audience can see your face?

Open Up


Who is the individual involved in just about every aspect of the production, and who takes over the director in continuing the production after opening night?

Stage Manager


Where do the actors or crew go between scenes when they are not needed?

The Green Room


Bernadette, who is bringing her grandson Timmy to see "The Grinch," has poor vision to see the actor's facial expressions, but that doesn't stop her from seeing Timmy's face light up with excitement when he sees The Grinch enter in his makeshift Santa outfit and sleigh. Timmy points to his left, exclaiming, "Grandma! Look! There he is!" Bernadette knows that must mean Grinch has entered stage...

Stage Right


What is the system that flies in curtains, lights, set pieces, etc.

The Pin Rail / or The Fly System


What is the term for a blocking move that involves an actor moving to be visually opposite another actor's movement?



Who would be the individuals who assist in any of the scene changes, prop organization, operating the pin rail, and other tasks in which the actors are unavailable for?

Backstage Crew


What is the part of the stage that extends out towards the audience in the house?

The Apron


The predicament of Pluto's planetary status has been long debated in the scientific community. It's status has been downgraded to "dwarf planet" due to it not meeting one of the three criteria of the International Astronomical Union to define it as a planet. The IAU argues that Pluto has not cleared its neighboring region of other objects. Under the stance that Pluto IS a planet and the sun were and audience looking at its planets as actors upon a stage, Pluto would be the actor most where on the stage?

Up stage


What is the difference between a leg and a traveler?

One stays still, the other opens and closes.


What is the term used for the phenomenon actors create to give a sense of "this is just happening now, and no, we haven't rehearsed this a million times before now."

The Illusion of the First Time



How much of your points will you wager?

In a musical, who is in charge of creating and teaching the dance moves?


What is the physical "picture frame" part of the stage that visually separates the audience from the action on stage?

The Proscenium


The Uncanny Valley is a hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object's resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an object. The concept suggests that humanoid objects which imperfectly resemble actual human beings provoke uncanny or strangely familiar feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers. This is why those who view animatronics that are designed to look and act as humanly as possible with an instinctual vibe to avoid such objects. This feeling that these unnatural objects look TOO CLOSE to actual humans is what puts that object categorically into the "uncanny valley." Similarly, an actor might get TOO CLOSE to their audience, which would make the audience equally uncomfortable. That actor would be where on the stage?

Down stage


After intermission, music is played upon the start of the next act. What is that music called?

The Entr'acte


What is the physical and meta-physical separation between the audience and the action on stage?

The Fourth Wall


Who is the head of the crew members who assist in backstage duties?

Deck Captain
