
Raised platform where actors perform.

What is The raised platform where actors perform called the stage?


 Term for the person who writes a play

What is a playwright?


term "tech rehearsal" refers to

A rehearsal in theatre where technical elements such as lighting, sound, set changes, and special effects are integrated and practiced along with the actors' performances.


importance of vocal warm-ups for singers

What is preventing injury, improving vocal range and control, and enhancing performance?


Define what a choreographer does in a dance production.

what is creating and arranging the dance sequences and movements performed by the dancers?


Name one piece of furniture that is commonly seen on a stage setting.

What is a chair?


Describe the difference between dialogues and monologues in a play.

While dialogues involve interaction between characters, monologues typically allow for extended introspection or revelation by a single character.


 Name two types of lighting commonly used in a theatrical production.

What is spotlights and floodlights?


Name two genres of musical theatre.

What is musical comedy and musical drama?


Name two styles of dance commonly used in musical theatre.

What is jazz and tap?


Main difference between a proscenium stage and a thrust stage

What is the main difference between a proscenium stage and a thrust stage is what lies in their layout and audience orientation? 

In a proscenium stage, the audience sits in front of a large frame or archway, called the proscenium arch, which serves as a "picture frame" for the action happening on stage. Actors perform on a raised platform that is often separated from the audience by an invisible "fourth wall." In contrast, a thrust stage extends into the audience on three sides, allowing for a more intimate connection between performers and viewers.


Importance of facial expressions in acting

what is conveying emotions, thoughts, and intentions to the audience?


role of a stage manager in a play

What is a liaison between the director, cast, and crew, overseeing the logistical and organizational aspects of the production?


Explain the term "pitch" in singing.

What is frequency of a musical sound, determining how high or low the sound is?


How does choreography contribute to the storytelling in a musical

What is enhancing the narrative, character development, and emotional expression through movement and dance?


Explain the role of lighting in creating atmosphere on stage.

How does light establish the time of day, location, and even the emotional state of the characters?


Name two techniques actors use to memorize their lines.

what is repetition and visualization?


Describe the function of sound effects in a theatre performance.

What is enhancing atmosphere, creating realism, and highlighting action?


 difference between a solo and a duet in a musical

a solo is a musical performance by a single singer, while a duet is a performance involving two singers


Explain the importance of synchronization in group dance performances.

What is creating a cohesive and visually stunning presentation? It involves ensuring that all dancers move and perform their steps in perfect unison, maintaining consistent timing, spacing, and alignment throughout the routine.


Define what a monologue is in theatre.

What is a speech or performance by a character, typically addressing the moment when a character expresses their thoughts, feelings, or experiences, often in an extended and uninterrupted manner?


Explain the concept of character development in acting.

What is the process of creating and portraying a multi-dimensional character with depth, complexity, and authenticity?


How does set design contribute to the storytelling in a play

What is creating the physical environment in which the action takes place? It establishes the setting, time period, and mood of the play, providing visual cues that help the audience understand the context of the story


Describe the role of a vocal coach in preparing for a musical performance.

What is vocal technique, musical interpretation, and performance preparation?


Describe the difference between ballet and jazz dance techniques.

Ballet is a classical dance form characterized by its formalized technique, precise movements, and graceful, flowing lines. 

Jazz dance is a vernacular dance form rooted in African-American culture and influenced by a variety of dance styles, including African dance, Caribbean dance, and European folk dance.
