Theatre Terminology
Theatre History
Backstage Jobs
Theatre Etiquette

The name of the area of the stage behind the curtains to the actors left, if they are facing the audience.

What is Stage Left?


The type of ancient theatre that had choruses who acted out while the protagonist explained something.

What is Greek Theatre?


The person who plans and draws sketches of the costumes for a show.  

Who is the Costume Designer?

True or False? It is ok to record or take pictures of a show if an actor gives you permission.

What is false?


What is the job name of the person who handles cash, tells ushers what their jobs will be, welcomes guests, and also assists people to their seats during a show.

Who is the House Manager?


The stage direction farthest to the backstage wall, away from the audience.

What is Upstage?


A type of dance/drama in Japanese theatre with grand costumes and elaborate makeup.

What is Kabuki theatre?


The person who casts the actors in a show, gives them blocking, and helps them discover a character that is believable.  They have an overall creative plan for the show.

Who is the Director?


True or False: It is ok to laugh out loud during a comedy, even if no one else is.

What is True?


What is it called when you use your diaphragm to make your voice louder?

What is Projecting your voice?


The theatre term for memorizing all your lines, and being ready to say them at rehearsal.

What is Off-book?


The German theatre director/practitioner who believed in carrying out his political agenda (to question authority) using songs in his plays.

Bertolt Brecht


The person who choosing songs for the pre-show music, sound effects during the show, music during the show, curtain call music, and the post show music.

Who is the Sound Designer?


What do you wear to go see a play at a grand theater?

What is your Sunday best. (Any descriptor answers in this category will also be accepted.)


A sketch of a costume design has a specific name. What is it called?

What is a Design Rendering?


The rows of black half curtains that line the sides of the stage

What are the wings?


The longest running show on Broadway.

What is The Phantom of the Opera?


The person who creates props for the show, organizes them on a table backstage, and keeps tabs on all the props during the show run.

Who is the Props Master?


What is the response that actors and crew are expected to all say out loud when they hear their Stage Manager say "Take 5", (meaning take a five minute break)

What is "Thank you, five!"


In historical theatre, what was put out on stage as an offering to ghost actors at night after the others went home, to bless the theatre company with a good show?

What is the ghost light?


The term a director would say to an actor to get them to turn their body 3/4 of the way towards the audience, and not show their back to the audience.

What is 'Cheat Out'?


The father of realism in playwriting.

Who is Constantin Stanislavski?


The person who is SUPPORT for the Stage Manager.  They handle being on-book, spiking the stage, sweeping stage, set up and breakdown, documenting things, and keeping people on task and quiet backstage.

Who is the ASM or Assistant Stage Manager?


What Scottish Shakespeare play title are you not supposed to say inside a theater, because historical superstitions claim it as bad luck for the show?

What is Macbeth?


Two words, describing what an actor works on to make their performance more believable. They may do this by making a backstory where there is none or putting their selves in the characters shoes.

What is Character Development?
