What is one major change regarding performers that English stages embraced during Restoration?
Women were allowed to act onstage
Hero, Villain, and Ingenue are examples of what melodrama staple?
Stock characters
Minstrelsy begins with TD Rice creating this racist character
Jim Crow
Who is said to be the father of modern realism?
Henrik Ibsen
Checkov's plays often interlace humor in more serious moments. This is known as
During the commonwealth, why were theaters closed and dismantled and actors persecuted?
Because the puritans believed theatre to be corrupting and blasphemous
Melodrama means “music drama” in Greek. What in melodramas is that label referring to?
The background music that played in each scene.
Who are the three main company members in a minstrel show?
Mr Interlocutor, Mr. Tams, and Mr. Bones
What early 19th century play foresaw the genre of realism by 50 years?
In The Octoroon, Zoe is "eighth" black and therefore cannot marry George because of what type of law?
Anti-miscegenation laws
What historical event marks the beginning of the Restoration period?
Charles II retaking the throne after the end of the Cromwell's commonwealth period
In melodrama, good characters are rewarded and the bad are always punished. This phenomenon is otherwise known as...
Poetic Justice
This minstrel show role was the only one not played in blackface.
Mr. Interlocutor
Stanislavski believed all actors could find inner truth through the magic {blank}.
This writer and artist criticizes African theatre for blindly adopting Western theatrical forms.
Wole Soyinka
Who was The first female English playwright to earn a living by writing?
Aphra Behn
This book became the most popular source for melodramas across the United States.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
What is one reason why vaudeville appealed to newer U.S. immigrants?
They didn't need to speak English to enjoy the acts
The Seagull was the first play Stanislavski directed for what new theatre?
The Moscow Art Theatre
In Woyzeck, the Doctor's experiments on Woyzeck support what larger idea?
That environment and class are also a factor in why people do horrible things.
This type of Restoration comedy, influenced by Moliere, focuses on the flaws and foibles of the upper class and features witty language.
Comedy of Manners
Which aspect of melodramas is most indicative of its birth in the Industrial Age?
The highly technological spectacles, or "sensation scenes".
What are two things Tony Pastor did to make Vaudeville "family friendly"?
1) He cleaned up the acts.
2) Cursing, smoking and drinking were prohibited
3) It was cheap to take the whole family
4) 2-3 shows a day
Name three subject matters realist dramas were censored for portraying on stage.
Economic injustice, sexism, gender stereotypes, unhappy marriages, STDs, depression.
The Rover is set in Naples during Carnival-- a time that symbolizes what in this play?
Freedom, disguise, fun, courtship