Tech. Theater
Acting Terms
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A scenic design would create one of these to designate the location of scenery and furniture on the stage. Mr. Gray had you make one for your Senior Showcases.

What is a groundplan?


This word is used to describe the tempo of a theatrical production, as well as a renowned New York college theatre school.

What is "pace?"


This Russian director was best known for creating an innovative new approach to realistic acting during his time at the Moscow Art Theatre.

Who is Konstantin Stanislavsky?


The falling action of a play is also known by this French sounding term.

What is "denouement?"


Edward Albee is best known for his plays that dealt with this patriotic sounding theme, as evidenced in his works Zoo Story and Who's Afraid of Viginia Wolfe

What is the American Dream?


Short for "Go Between Optics," a Gobo is a tool that is used by this type of designer.

What is a lighting designer?


The movement of any body part to portray an idea is known by this term.

What is "gesture?"


The role a Director is relatively new one, having emerged only a couple hundred years ago to serve this purpose.

What is to create artistically unified productions?


This word refers to the process an of releasing strong emotions that an audience can feel when they empathize with a characters story.

What is catharsis?


The title for this Lorraine Hansberry play comes from a line from a Langston Hughes poem.

What is A Raisin in the Sun?


This type of set is used to showcase many different locations at once.

What is a unit set?


The richness or fullness of an actors voice is best known by this term.

What is "resonance?"


The style of Alienation, or creating physical and emotional distance between your actors and audience, was created by this German writer and director.

Who is Bertolt Brecht?


DJ Khaled would say, "Another one." A musical writer would call it this.

What is a reprise?


Samuel Beckett is best known for this classic play, which tells the story of two people waiting around for a man with an interesting name that never arrives.

What is Waiting for Godot?


That's a wrap! While it might sound more violent that it is, this is the word used to describe the clean up that follows a production, like dismantling the set.

What is striking?


A change in the vocal pitch of an actor is known by this term, that sounds pretty similar to a word for getting sick.

What is inflection?


South American director Augusto Boal created this type of theater to organize and educate agricultural workers on the ways in which their governments were mistreating them.

What is Theatre of the Oppressed?


Titles like Fences or The Glass Menagerie are perfect examples of this playwriting term.

What are "extended metaphors?"


Eugene Ionesco wrote this well-known play that could describe many of the teachers and administrators in BHSA.

What is The Bald Soprano?


Hallo! This term is used to describe a strip of fabric that covers the gap between two flats (or fake scenic walls), but it doesn't fly.

What is a dutchman?


This term was invented by Russian director Konstantin Stanislavsky, to help actors imagine themselves in their character's given circumstances.

What is the "magic if?"


If a director were to engage in this type of casting, it means they are casting without considering race or ethnicity.

What is color-blind casting?


In a musical, this timely song is designed to energize the audience shortly before the end of the show.

What is an "Eleven O'Clock Number?" 

This classic American musical is known as one of the first to feature songs that propel the dramatic action forward.

What is Show Boat?
