You can't sit here
Actors and Actresses
Help me
Lights and Sound
Social Skills

A friend is talking very loud during the play, what should you do?

Remind your friend to be quiet so that you can hear the play.


When is it appropriate to clap during a play?

It is appropriate to clap at the end of the scene or song.


You need to use the restroom. When is the appropriate time to access the restroom?

You should wait until its intermission or the end of the play. If you must go during a scene, walk out quietly and find an attendant. Don't announce that you need to go.


You are sitting on the end of a row and someone needs to take their seat in the middle of the row. What should you do?

You should stand up and let them by you.


Is it important to be on time to a play when it starts or at the intermission?

Yes, you must listen for an attendant to tell you when the play is ready to begin. It is distracting to open doors and go back to your seats after the play has begun. 


A classmate is sitting near you, but hasn't showered in a few days. Is that a problem?

Yes, it is hard to sit near someone who has body odor. We should shower daily.


Your friend doesn't like the play and starts to "boo" the actors. What's the problem?

Even if you don't like the play, you should always be respectful to the actors and actresses.


You are so hungry, so you open up your snack and start eating chips during the play. Is this a problem?

Yes, you should not eat during a play. You can only eat during a play if it is allowed and a concession stand it provided. You should not bring in an outside food or drink. 


What should you do if the sound are too loud?

You could ear 


There is a long line at the concession stand. You decide to cut line in order to get your drink and snack. Is this a problem?

Yes, you should stand in line and wait your turn. It is rude to skip line.


I need to save a seat for my friend, but someone else wants to sit there. How do I politely tell them this seat is save?

I could nicely say, "This seat is saved for a friend."


When is appropriate to have a conversation about the play?

After the play is over. You don't want to have a conversation while the play is still happening.


You have a really bad cough during the play. Is that a problem? 

Yes, coughing can be distracting to those sitting around you. If you have a cough, you should take cough drops with you to the play.

What should you do while making copies of the program for a play?

You should set away from the copy machine and not look directly at the lights.


You want to stretch your legs, so you put your legs up on the back of the seat in front of you. Is this a problem?

Yes, you should never put your feet or hands on the chairs around you. You need to be respectful of other people's space.


You are attending a play or movie with a group of people. You want to sit in the back of the room, but they want to sit in the front. What should you do?

You should compromise and sit where the majority of the group want to sit.


After the play, is it okay for you to run up to the stage to talk to the actors or actresses?

No, you should wait until they come out to greet people and then you can walk up to greet or talk with them.


You snuck a drink and snack into the play and spilled it all over the floor. What should you do?

Depending on what you spilled, you should determine whether it needs to be cleaned up now or can wait until after the play. If you spilled a drink, it might need immediate attention, but popcorn could wait until after the play.


A friend brought a cell phone to the play, but didn't put it on silent. What's the problem?

You should always silence your phone before attending a movie or play.


A friend is not interested in the play, so he decided to get out his phone and watch YouTube. What's the problem?

Phones should always be silenced and put away during a play. If someone is uninterested in a play, they should leave rather than be disrespectful.


You are sitting at the end of a row, but a friend needs to get back to their seat in the middle of the row. What should you do?

You should stand up and let your friend through. They should not have to climb over your legs to get to their seat.


You know one of the actors and yell out his name during the play. Is this a problem?

Yes, you should not yell out during a play. When an actor is in character, you shouldn't yell out their real name.

The man sitting in front you is wearing a cowboy hat. What would you do?

Hats shouldn't be worn in the theatre. You might ask the man nicely to remove his hat, so that you are able to see the play.


You brought your camera to the play to take pictures and video. Is this a problem?

Yes, you should not video or take pictures during the play. A camera flash can be distracting to the actors and actresses.


You have been sitting for a long time and become fidgety. You are humming and tapping your feet. Is that a problem?

Yes, this type of behaviors can be very distracting and annoying to the people sitting around you.
