Broadway Musicals & Plays
Theatre Vocabulary
Theatre Careers
Stage Talk
Theatre Fun Facts

The story for this Broadway Musical centers on the betrayal of a lion's brother who wants to take over his kingdom

What is The Lion King?


the activity or profession of acting in, producing, directing, or writing plays

What is theatre?


In the world of theatre, this person creates the clothing for actors' characters in a theatrical work

What is a costume designer?


what a person means if he or she tells an actor to "break a leg"

What is "good luck" or "to do a good job with the performance"?


Thespis is credited with being the person who invented the idea of the actor; it is from him that we get this word

What is "thespian"?


This Broadway Musical centers on the story of an orphan girl who ends up being adopted by Depression-era billionaire, Oliver Warbucks

What is Annie?


a piece of writing in the form of drama

What is a script?


one that arranges the dance patterns and movements for actors in a stage performance

What is a choreographer?


a term that an actor or director may use to indicate that a scene is finished

What is "And scene"?


this place is the only place allowed to have a thatched (straw) roof in London

What is Shakespeare's Globe Theatre?


This Broadway Musical tells the story of a forgotten, American Founding Father

What is Hamilton?


this form of acting requires that an actor make up dialogue and actions in the moment

What is improv (improvisation)?


one that assists actors in learning how to participate in combat while on stage

What is a fight director?


a term a theatre director would likely use if he or she is trying to help the actors work out the details of their movements and positions on stage

What is blocking?


these theatres have 500 seats

What are Broadway Theatres?


This play is the beautiful, complicated tale of an African-American family living on the South Side of Chicago in the 1950s

What is A Raisin in the Sun?


an instruction in the text of a play, especially one indicating the movement, position, or tone of an actor, or the sound effects and lighting

What are stage directions?


a person that is a part of this theatre career often welcomes guests, sells or distributes refreshments, or makes sure the auditorium is set out properly

What is the Front-of-House Crew?


a term you may hear a theatre director use if he or she wants the cast to perform the show from the very beginning to the very end

What is a run through?


this is celebrated every year on May 27th

What is World Theatre Day?


This Broadway Musical was inspired by the real-life strike of a group of news boys in New York City in 1899

What is The Newsies?


to take the set apart when a show ends

What is strike?


this person spends a great deal of time researching to assist theatre directors with information pertaining to a theatrical work

What is a dramaturg?


a well-known, Russian stage actor and director that you may hear one in the world of theatre referring to if they speak of the man responsible for developing "method acting," a technique used to encourage actors to incorporate their personal histories to express authentic emotion and create rich characters 

Who is Konstantin Stanislavsky?


the theatre of Ancient Greece consisted of these three types of drama

What are tragedies, comedies, and satires?