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Name That Tune
Production Team
What is a group of actors/crew working together cooperatively?
What is an Ensemble

This sound made by blowing air through your lips should never be done back stage. It's considered a jinx. 

What is whistle? 

What is an acting technique that uses no words to tell a story?
What is Pantomime

This play was based on a cartoon the starred a something you can find in a kitchen sink. 

What is spongebob? 


Name the song or musical:

Honey, honey, how you thrill me
Ah-ha, honey, honey
Honey, honey, nearly kill me
Ah-ha, honey, honey

Honey Honey / Mama Mia 


After high school, this member of the production team moved to Los Angeles to attend The American Musical and Dramatic Academy. 

Mrs. Cottrell 

The section of the theatre where the audience sits is called...?
What is the House
A Celtic tradition related to belief of wood spirits says you should do this when speaking of bad luck.
What is knock on wood.
The arrangement of incidents that take place in a play is called...?
What is the Plot

This plays name is a single word that is never actually said in the script. The closest it gets is that word with a "D" added to the end of it. What's the play? 



Name the song or musical.

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes and leap

Defying Gravity / Wicked


This member of the production staff's first time on stage was in the show "Little Shop of Horrors". 

Who is Mr. Cottrell?

A spontaneous style of theatre using unrehearsed and unscripted acting scenes is called...?
What is Improvisation.

Saying the name of this shakespearian play is said to bring about bad luck or disaster.

What is Macbeth?
Name 4 different crews for a theatre production.
Props, Sets, Lights, Sound, Publicity, MUCH

This musical was based on a strike that happened in 1899. 

What is Newsies?


Name the song or musical. 

I'ma get a scholarship to King's College
I prob'ly shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish
The problem is I got a lot of brains, but no polish

My Shot / Hamilton 


This member of the production team was never in drama but performed in choirs for most of their young life. 

Leah Atkins

Peoples unconscious habbits or peculiarities are called?
What are Mannerisms.
Actors never say "good luck" before a performance. Instead they say.....?
What is Break a Leg!
What is the open space between the stage and the audience often called?
What is the 4th wall.

The title song for this play was covered by Blake Shelton for the 2011 movie remake. What's the play? 



Name the song or musical. 

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me

This is Me / The Greatest Showman


This member of the production team received training in puppetry and masked theatre at The Lincoln Center in New York.

Mr. Gonzalez

What is a characters inner drive that causes them to act a certain way?
What is Motivation.

A terrible _______ is said to lead to an amazing opening night.

What is dressed rehearsal? (Let's not risk it though!) 


After the production the taking apart of the sets is called?

What is Strike/Move out 


The show’s finale, “Home,” has become one of the most popular songs in the American pop music canon. Originally released on the cast recording and as a single by Stephanie Mills, the song has since been performed by stars including by Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand, Gladys Knight, and many more. 

What is The Wiz


Name the song or musicals.

Welcome to the show, to the histo-remix
Switching up the flow, as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
Raising up the roof, 'til we hit the ceiling
Get ready for the truth that we'll be revealing
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
But now we're ex-wives

Ex Wives / SIX


This member of the production staff was an English literature major in college and has spent thousands of dollars on literary works. 

Who is Mr. Atkins? 


When the actors come out at the end of the show to take their bows.

What is a curtain call? 


It used to be rumored that this color was bad luck to wear on stage because that dye color was most expensive and producers didn't want to pay for it. 

What is Blue


Direction given to actors as to where they should stand or move to during the course of the play.

What is blocking? 


In the 1980's when this show first came out, it took up to 60 technicians to operate the biggest version of this show's puppet. What's the show? 

What is Little Shop of Horrors? 

Name the song or musical.

They can sing, they can dance
After all, Miss, this is France
And a dinner here is never second best
Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glance and then you'll be our guest
Oui, our guest, be our guest

Be Our Guest / Beauty and the Beast


This member of the production team was never in a drama production in their youth. They didn't realized they liked drama until they were in their mid twenties and performed in their first show at 25. 

Who is Mr. Heywood? 
