More Theatre
Scene Prep
Monologue Prep

A group of actors/crew working together cooperatively is called...

What is an Ensemble?


A bad dress rehearsal means the show will be __________.

What is a success?

What is an acting technique that uses no words to tell a story?
What is Pantomime

The actors use vocal traits to create the characters in the performance which include variety in pitch, rate, and quality, use of gesture, movement, facial expression, and posture. Are all referring to this evaluative category.

What is Characterization?


Changes in emotion and purpose

What is a BEAT?

The section of the theatre where the audience sits is called...?
What is the House
A Celtic tradition related to belief of wood spirits says you should do this when speaking of bad luck.
What is knock on wood.

The arrangement of incidents that take place in a play is called...

& include the following 5 elements....

What is the Plot? 

What is Exposition (Inciting Incident), Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Denouement (Resolution).


The actors work together with imagination to establish the mood and meaning of the play. The performance shows evidence of rehearsal, a sense of creativity and an understanding of the play and each actor’s part in the performance. Is all part of creating this.

What is Ensemble Effect?


Action Words are used in ________.

What is SCORING?


A spontaneous style of theatre using unrehearsed and unscripted acting scenes is called...

What is Improvisation?


You should never say this play title while in a Theatre... Instead say this..."The _________ ____"

What is Macbeth?  

What is "The Scottish Play"


Name at least 5 different crews in a theatre production.

Stage Management, Props, Sets, Lights, Sound, Costume, Make-up, Publicity...


The performance is true to the intent of the playwright. The actors are clearly in control of the characters and the script throughout the performance. This is an example of the actors' ____________ of the script.

What is Understanding?


When presenting a monologue for an audition the first words out of your mouth are...

What is your SLATE?


A _______________ is an excellent "self-assessment" tool while preparing for a scene, monologue, audition or production.

What is a rehearsal journal?

Actors never say "good luck" before a performance. Instead they say.....?
What is Break a Leg!
What is the open space between the stage and the audience often called?
What is the 4th wall.

In a Rehearsal Journal. the actor should write about and explain his/her use of time, quality of rehearsal, success/difficulty in characterization, and/or plans for refining/fixing problems encountered in the rehearsal process.

 Should they also mention how they are feeling? True or False.

What is True


Moving towards the audience is a ___________ gesture.

What is pro-active or aggressive?

What is a characters inner drive that causes them to act a certain way?
What is Motivation.

___________ backstage in a theatre is considered a jinx.

What is whistling?

In the good old days of theater, scenery was manually lifted into the air by men hoisting it with ropes (there were no hydraulics or advanced rigging systems to make it safer and easier). The stagehands would cue each other by whistling. An actor who whistled backstage might accidentally cue a stagehand to lift or drop scenery, potentially putting an unaware performer at risk of being crushed by a wall or a sandbag.

After the production the taking apart of the sets is called?
What is Strike.

______________ _____________ are very different characters with very different goals in very different situations, in very different plays and very different genres of dramatic literature.

What are Contrasting Monologues?


After you have identified and marked your BEATS and SCORED the script – you have two more steps in order to create a successful monologue. 

What is Blocking & Rehearsal?
