I'm lost. Where do I go (onstage) again?
Most Improv'd
Warmup Wednesday
All the world's a stage...
Terms, and more
This is the area along the front of the stage
What is downstage
We do this to "make our scene partner look good" during improvisation and scene work.
What is "Sharing the Stage".
Because one place actors carry tension is in their jaws, they can do these TWO things to help release that tension.
What is shaking out your jaw and giving yourself a jaw massage?
This is where the show is run by the stage manager during a show.
What is the light booth?
In the creation of something, these individuals work together. They must all succeed as a unit.
What is an ensemble?
This is the area along the back of the stage that is furthest away from the audience.
What is Upstage
In improvisation you are always doing it right because of this.
What is "there is no right, or wrong" in improvisation.
To avoid injury, actors should practice these before every rehearsal, or performance.
What are Vocal/Physical warmups?
This part of the stage frames the stage like a picture frame.
What is the proscenium arch?
This term originated because ancient greek stages were built in a unique, slanted way to help the audience see the entire stage.
What is upstage?
The box in the middle of a diagram of the nine areas of the stage
What is Center Stage
Paying attention to the task at hand off stage and onstage is an example of this.
What is focus/concentration?
This is called a neutral body position and it is how we start most warmups.
What is having feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed by the side, and head "floating" between the shoulders.
This lies in front of the "Proscenium Arch".
What is the apron?
These are the side areas of backstage. They are separated by these adjustable parts of the stage. (two things)
What are the wings and the legs?
The area of the stage to the director's and audience's LEFT, but to the actor's RIGHT
What is Stage Right
These are used to increase focus, confidence, and teamwork before rehearsals. They also build ensemble.
What are theatre games?
It is always important to notice this specific thing while warming up.
What is your breathing/breath?
This type of stage is also known as "Theatre in the round".
What is an arena stage?
In the warmup "What a to do to die today" this will come when it hears the drum.
What is a dragon?
These are the names and locations of all 9 areas of the stage. (Abbreviations will work.)
What is Upstage right, upstage center, upstage left, center stage right, center stage, center stage left, downstage right, downstage center, downstage left
This is our motto in improvisation. (demonstration)
What is "Can I do it? Just do it. Am I doing it right? YES!"
Vocal warmups help actors to warm up their bodies and increase these things before rehearsals and performances. (list two things)
What is confidence? Relaxation? Preparedness? Concentration? Energy? Getting into character? Avoiding Injury?
This is the main difference between a proscenium stage, and an arena stage. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! YOUR POINTS ARE WORTH DOUBLE.
What is how in an arena stage the audience sits on all sides, whereas in a proscenium stage they only sit on one side?
This is what actors call creating a fictional, or nonfictional character, onstage.
What is characterization?