Theatre Roles
Tech Theatre

A person who learns a role and who can  perform it in the absence of the actor

What is an Understudy?

A  _______ _________ creates the costumes that the actor will be wearing during the show

A __________ ________ must work closely with the director and the other designers to create a complete vision of the show

What is a costume designer? 


The imaginary wall  

through which the  

audience watches the  

action of the play  

■ Sometimes. Actors  break this wall to

speak to the audience

What is the Fourth Wall?


An uninterrupted rehearsal with costumes and props  ■ The final rehearsal before the first performance  

■ The final rehearsal with all technical elements

What is a Dress Rehearsal?


The area behind the set that is not visible to  the audience, including dressing rooms, the  greenroom, etc.

What is Backstage? 


This role facilitates communication across all creative and technical departments; act as a right hand to the director; oversee sets, props, lights, and sound; and call all technical cues during performances.

What is A Stage Manager?


A stencil placed in the gel holder of a spotlight to project a  pattern  

■ Windows, Trees, Flowers, Snowflakes, Leaves, Shapes… 

What is a Gobo?


The front part of the auditorium where the  orchestra might be located – often below  stage level

What is the Pit?


A stage technique in which an actor who is  facing sideways pivots the torso and turns the  face toward the audience  

■ MOST of the Audience can see MOST of your  expression MOST of the time 

What is cheating-out/to cheat-out?


What is this type of structure called? Concert venues including Walnut Creek and Red Hat are this kind of structure.

What is an Ampitheatre?


Greek word meaning an actor. 

What is a Thespian? 


True or False: 

PRE SHOW AND POST SHOW are necessary (to set the mood)

All music should be FADED IN AND FADED OUT

What is True?


To improvise stage business or conversation,  especially when an actor has missed or  forgotten lines and other actors must supply the missing information. 

What is an Ad-Lib?


Rehearsal without scripts - Lines, transitions, and  music are memorized.  

What is Off-book?


A large square room with black walls and a flat  floor  

■ seating is typically loose chairs on platforms,  which can be easily moved or removed to allow  the entire space to be adapted to the artistic  elements of a production 

Example: Theatre classroom

What is A Black-Box Theatre?


Who gives the blocking (movements on stage) to the actors?

What is a director?


_____ is the view of a set from above and is often labeled. This is typically done in the drafting process of a production or when building a house. 

What is a floor plan?


To remove an object or objects from the stage 

 ■ To take down the set  

■ ______ typically happens after the final show  with the help of the cast/crew

What is Strike? 


 A _____ could be a sound effect, line, or action.  

■ It is important for an Actor to not only be  familiar with their line but their ____ as well

What is a cue? 


The arch opening between the stage and the  auditorium

What is a proscenium arch?


This person will create scenery, visual aids and sets for theatre, film, and television productions. In the initial production meeting, they share their drafted design. This person builds, paints, lays flooring, and creates other necessary scene visuals along with the set crew.

What is a set designer?


_________ is for ADVERTISING the show

The _________ MANAGER is in charge.

_________ includes:

  1. Program

  2. Ticket

  3. Poster/flyers

  4. Internet: Websites, social media

  5. Ads, Commercials (radio, tv, newspaper)

What is Publicity? 


Which of these items are in the wrong category?

Types of Props: Set props, hand props, and personal props

Hand prop: Books, a Cane   

Set Prop: Furniture (actor interacts with), A Baby

Personal Prop: Glasses, Cell-Phone

What is a Baby? (A baby would be a hand-prop)


A tryout/Audition during which an actor uses  material never seen before. 

What is a Cold Reading?


Choose one person to correctly label the 9 stage directions on a white board.
