and Completions
Eagle was doing Ring 1 AToS Tower rush, sadly he happened to die in a tower, which tower was it?
Whats Eagle's most viewed Tower Rush stream?
Ring 2 Tower Rush
What was his first monthly challenge stream?
February Monthly Challenges
What was an old series on Eagle's channel which was never finished?
JToH Dares
What is the name of the Green Cube in Ring 2 that Eagle named?
Which save is known to be Eagle's BEST SAVE?
ToU save on Ring 7 Tower Rush
He beat 2 Tower Rushes in 1 stream, what were the tower rushes?
Which Monthly Challenge video did he promise to release with a funny twist, but never got released?
June Monthly Challenges Experience
Which video did Eagle release on April first?
ToBK review
Which tower did Eagle beat for the Insane/Extreme roulette?
What was Eagle's second Terrifying Tower?
Eagle was promised 10k Robux if he failed on a Tower Rush. Which Tower Rush and which tower was it?
Ring 3 Tower Rush, CoHaD
Turning the The March 2023 Monthly Challenge Experience, which Challenge did eagle consistently keep failing?
Beat any Psychologically Unsane tower in Zone 6
What was Eagle's first short?
JToH is now in GEOMETRY DASH!?! 🦑😝🐿 #roblox #gd #jtoh
The karaoke of what song did Eagle promise to release but never did?
Karaoke of Rivers in The Desert (P5 OST)
Eagle got softlocked on a monthly tower, he misread the text ''Burger Softlock'' what did Eagle think the text said?
''Burger Sandwich''
Eagle Faked an internet outage on a Tower Rush, which Tower Rush and which Tower did he do it on?
Zone 4 Tower Rush, ToFG
How did Eagle misspell ''Challenges'' that took people long to notice?
Which tower did Eagle rate a ''1/100'' in Tower Rating Game that started a small movement?
Eagle felt strong hate against an emoji, what was the emoji?
The Moai Emoji
Eagle did a huge difficulty jump, jumping from TT to ___. Fill in the Blank.
What was Eagle's 9th Tower Rush?
Ring 9 Tower Rush
When Eagle did Zone 4 Tower Rush, which tower was always broken that ended Eagle's runs?
Turning which subscriber milestone QnA did Scouthex secretly take control of to answer the questions?
250 Subscribers
When did Eagle meow?
Turning the TLP tower rush