Under what tree does Janie first think about love?
The pear tree
Who is Janie's friend in Eatonville?
Who made Janie get married to Logan at 16?
Nanny, Janie's Grandma
These were gross and stinky like "mules' hooves"
Logan's feet
Joe Starks wants to be a big...
What did Nanny think was important about marrying Logan Killicks?
He has a house, 60 acres of land, and the "onliest" organ in town
What did the women notice about Janie when she arrived back in Eatonville?
Her clothes, and that she was alone
What were Janie's feelings about marrying Logan?
(2 parts)
She didn't want to because she didn't love him, but decided to force herself to love him.
What level of Maslow's Hierarchy is Logan concerned with?
Levels 1 and 2: Physiological Needs, and Physical Safety
Who does all the talking when they're under the oak trees: Janie or Joe?
Joe. They talk about his big plans for when he gets to Eatonville
What does Logan do to provide for Janie? Is this what she wanted?
(2 parts)
Fetched water, and chopped wood. Janie did not want it
Who raised Janie?
Her grandma: Nanny
Why did Janie finally leave Logan?
(2 parts)
She was unhappy, and Joe promised to take her with him
How did Logan react to Janie's question about running off?
He was hurt by her words, and then he lashed out and got mad at her.
What symbol has accompanied Janie having feelings for someone?
Janie returned to Eatonville with full of the "oldest human longing," what is that longing for?
What object does Joe compare Janie to?
"A pretty doll-baby." Something that can be looked at and taken care of, but not someone who makes their own choices.
When Janie first sees Joe, how does Hurston describe him?
"It was a cityfied, stylish dressed man with his hat set at an angle that didn’t belong in these parts." (Hurston, 27)
What did Lee Coker say Joe Starks talked like?
"a section foreman" (Hurston, 35) someone very bossy
"Sweet... like when you sit under a pear tree and think." (Hurston,
In chapter 5, how does Janie feel about being the wife of the mayor?
She's feels like she's not like other women, and her position separates her.
"The wife of the Mayor was not just another woman as she had supposed. She slept with authority so she was part of it in the town mind." (Hurston 46)
How does Janie feel when Joe stops her from giving her speech?
She felt cold and distant (Hurston, 43)
How do we know that Joe thinks politics is only for men?
He asks for the mayor and says he wants to talk to "HIM."
Says the men should form a committee to figure out the town's future
The last paragraph of ch. 5 talks about Joe Starks' ability to make other people do what he wants. He's a big voice now. What, according to Hurston, MADE him into that big voice?
The fact that other people listened.