What does Janie hope will happen after getting married= a disillusion Janie had about marriage?
That love comes after getting married
No longer speaks lovingly to her ("talking in rhymes") and no longer demonstrates attraction to her
T/F The townspeople on the porch were welcoming when they saw Janie return.
False, they were offended she didn't come and tell them all of her business. In return they gossip about her.
What does Nanny insist Janie do after discovering Janie's interest in boys/kissing?
Get married
Who does Janie speak with about her concerns about her relationship with Logan?
What is Logan's sole interest in Janie- the only thing he seems to care about regarding Janie/her role as his wife and partner?
For her help with the work on the property.
What does Joe purchase from Captain Eaton?
Who is Janie's "kissing friend," the friend she tells all her secrets to?
Who raises Janie?
Her nanny
To wait a while
That Logan is the best option in town
That it's better to have security than love
To be a leader, to be wealthy, to have a "big voice," to live in a place free from the power/influence of white people, to make Janie his wife
Why does Joe recruit other people to move to Eatonville?
To create an incorporated (officially recognized) town for Black people in Florida
Rather than a dress, what article of clothing is Janie wearing when she comes back that the townspeople find strange?
According to Nanny, women (especially African American and economically disenfranchised women) should not marry for love but for what instead?
What does Janie decide to do about her marriage with Logan?
She decides to leave him
What happens when the townspeople ask Janie to give a speech at the ceremony celebrating the street lamp lighting?
Jody speaks for her/ says he didn't marry her for her ability to speak
At the end of Chapter 1, what does Janie decide to tell Phoeby?
Her life story.
She wanted Janie to go to school, get educated, and marry someone with a higher socioeconomic status.
What article of clothing does Janie discard toward the end of the chapter?
Her apron
The townspeople begin to have a "basketful of feelings good and bad" about Jody. Name one of their criticisms.
That he is too hard on Janie when she makes mistakes.
That he shouldn't have run Mr. Pitts out of town for stealing.
That he should be more interested in uplifting the lives of other African Americans.