What is theme?
Theme is the life lessons, moral, or message about life that is communicated by a literary work.
What does the lesson or message "Don't judge a book by it's cover" mean?
Don't judge someone based on looks or outward appearance. Don't judge someone until you get to know them.
What is the theme: Timmy chose his best friend as a partner. They talked too much and did not finish the project.
Choose your partners wisely.
When Mr. Collins wakes up, he is
A. Super
B. Awesome
C. Better
B. Awesome
What is the most popular dog breed in 2020?
Labrador Retriever
What is the main idea?
What the text is mostly about, central idea, a one sentence summary
What does the lesson/message "Good things come to those who wait" mean?
Answers may vary. Good things come to those who have patience. It can take time to achieve something you want.
What is the theme: Tony hit Fred so Fred hit him back.
Treat others how you want to be treated.
Mr. Collins really wanted a basketball jersey for his 12th birthday. What team did he want?
a) Mr. Collins
b) Mr. Collins
c) Little Mr. Collins' Dribblers
Mr. Collins
What is the #1 movie of 2020 (most people went to see it; it made the most money)?
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
What is motif?
the dominant idea in a text and can be a word or a phrase; the subject
What does the message or lesson "Two heads are better than one" mean?
It is easier for two people who help each other to solve a problem than it is for one person to solve a problem alone. We need to work together to figure this out.
Sarah practiced everyday for 3 hours and went on to the Olympics to win the gold medal.
Practice makes perfect, Winners never quit, Hard work pays off
What movie would Mr. Collins most likely be in?
a) Thor
b) Spider Man
c) Mulan
a) Thor
How much time, on average, do people aged 16-29 spend on social media?
People aged 16-29 spend the most time (3 hours daily) on social networking platforms
What does it mean that themes are universal?
The apply to the real world not just the story or movie.
What is theme of the story Little Red Riding Hood?
Answers may vary. The importance of obeying parents, the wisdom of being cautious with strangers, and the reliability of one's internal early warning system.
What is the theme: Ben broke Tom's lamp and didn't care. Tom never invited Ben over again.
Respect people's property.
What coffee drink from Starbucks does Mr. Collins get on his birthday?
a) Iced Coffee
b) Cookies and Creme Frappuccino
c) Anything he wants.
c) Anything he wants.
What day is today?
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
How does theme relate to activating prior knowledge or making inferences?
Theme is not explicitly stated in a story or movie. You need to make the connections and "read between the lines" and use your prior knowledge to discover the theme.
Give an example of a story/movie that has the theme: Stand up for what you believe in.
Answers may vary. Brave, Moana, Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, The Pursuit of Happyness, Cinderella...and MORE
Give an example (book or movie) with the theme: Follow your dreams
Answers may vary. Example from class -The Little Mermaid
What should have been the number one song in 1980?
Mr. Collins is Born
How Frequently Does The Average Person Touch Or Pick Up Their Phone?
People, on average, interact (swipe, type, click, tap) with their phone a whopping 2,617 times each day.