Identify Theme 1
Identify Theme 2
Identify Theme 3
Identify Theme 4

What is the definition of theme?

Theme is the universal message that you understand from the story.


Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equal rights. Because of this, his life was in constant danger. His home was bombed, and he was threatened, harassed, arrested, and jailed. Despite the danger, Martin Luther King Jr. continued to fight for what was right.

Sometimes it takes COURAGE to stand up for what is right.


Jamie was very unhappy with the way that she looked and she didn't have a healthy diet. One day Jamie decided she wanted to lose weight and eat healthier. She threw all of her junk food into the trash. She also bought a gym membership. Jamie pushed herself to go to the gym everyday even though some days she was tired, unmotivated, busy. Jamie stuck to her workouts and her diet for six months. She lost thirty-five pounds. It was tough, but she was so proud of herself.

Getting healthy can be difficult, it takes a lot of PERSEVERANCE. 


From a humble office situated at a dining room table in a hotel, Winton was able to successfully coordinate the rescue of 669 children from the Holocaust. Among the children, many would grow up to become notable mathematicians, politicians, filmmakers, authors and more. His willingness to take action had profound effects on the lives of these children as well as society as a whole. His contributions will be felt for generations to come.

One person can make a huge impact. 


Dylan was walking down the city street on a cold December day. The breeze picked up and Dylan was suddenly glad he was wearing one of his thick winter coats. Despite the cold, Dylan kept walking. When he turned the corner, he saw a man on the sidewalk sitting under a cardboard box. The man looked sad and was shivering uncontrollably. All the man had for warmth was a small thin blanket. Dylan took his coat off and placed it around the man's shoulders. The man looked up at Dylan and thanked him. The thanks was all Dylan needed to keep warm until he could return home.

Have compassion for those less fortunate than you. 


What is the main topic of a story?

The main idea is the central point or thought the author wants to communicate to readers.


Today was the first day at a new school for Jay. She was nervous and hoped the other kids wouldn't make fun of her for being new. A girl named Rachel tripped and dropped her books onto the floor. Everyone was laughing at her except for Jay. Jay helped Rachel pick up her belongings. After all the books were picked up Rachel introduced herself and asked Jay if she wanted to eat lunch together. Since then the girls have become best friends.

Showing KINDNESS is a great way to make friends.


Sara is dedicated to her friends and family even when the friends and family aren’t there to hear. She will stand by their side no matter what because she loves them.

You should have LOYALTY to those you love.


Jack and Cale have been best friends since kindergarten. They argue sometimes but no matter what happens they are always there for one another. 

Friendship can withstand hardships.


Mary and Morgan used to be best friends. Mary started to tease Morgan about how she looked, she started becoming overly critical of Morgan, and was never happy for Morgan. Mary thought Morgan had better looking hair, better clothes, and was a better soccer player than she was. Mary always wanted curly brown hair and blue eyes just like Morgan. Mary couldn't stand Morgan and eventually they stopped being friends.

JEALOUSY can ruin friendships.


What is the difference between the topic of the story and the subtopic?

Topic is the overarching idea, and subtopics are more specific topics that branch off within the main topic.


Pinocchio wants to become a real boy. In order to do so he has to prove his worth by not lying. Everytime he lies his nose grows. The best thing for Pinocchio to do is to be honest.  

Honesty is the best policy. 


Jimmy and Dave grew up together. They have a better bond than Jimmy and his sisters. They would do anything for one another. They consider each other family. They even attend each other's family events. Even though they aren't blood related, the boys love one another like they are brothers. 

You don't have to be related for someone to be your FAMILY.


Joey thought John was scary and mean because he dresses in all black, has facial piercings, and neon green hair. Joey was surprised to learn that John likes to read books to children at the local library. 

Don't judge a book by its cover.

You shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something, by its outward appearance.


When it comes to spreading ideas, the internet can be a blessing and a curse. While it allows knowledge to be exchanged across borders, to billions of people and at the speed of light, the question also arises as to whether that information is true. Often times information can be misleading, and false. So when you come across new ideas online, ask yourself three things: Does this information have a credible source?How does that source compare to other evidence from the scientific or journalistic community? Who would benefit from sharing misinformation? It is important to not have the "share-first, think later" mentality. 


Don't believe everything you read on the internet. 


What is a moral lesson?

The moral lesson of a story is what the story teaches you about how to behave in the world. 

The moral of a story is supposed to teach you how to be a better person.


Jessica was having an awful time on her vacation. Her reservations at her hotel were canceled and her bags got lost at the airport. She posted a photo of the beach on Instagram. Over a hundred people liked her photo. The picture was beautiful and made Jessica look happy but she was actually miserable and couldn't wait to go home. 

Appearance isn't always reality. 


Kristy and her family just moved into their new home. Kristy loved her old house and hated that she had to say goodbye to the only home she knew. It took a few days to unpacked and get settled into the new house. Once they were settled, Kristy realized that all she needed to feel at home was her family. 

Home is wherever you feel most loved.


Henry was struggling with a math problem. When Henry raised his hand and asked the teacher for help, Mya laughed at him. This is so easy she said. Henry felt embarrassed and tried to ignore her. A few hours later their teacher was teaching them a new concept in grammar. Mya was obviously confused. Henry remembered how Mya laughed at him. Instead of laughing at her, he stood up and helped her. She apologized for laughing at him. Henry now helps her with her grammar and Mya helps him with math.  

Everyone needs help sometimes.  


TJ hated lunch time because he knew Jake was going to make fun of him. Jake always ate all of TJ's food. When he sat down at the lunch table he was relieved when Jake didn't sit next to him. Jake sat with the younger grades that day. When Jake started making fun of a small boy, TJ knew he had to say something but, he was scared. He didn't want to make Jake angry and risk losing the rest of his lunch. Regardless of his fears, TJ bravely stood up to Jake for making fun of a younger kid. 

Do the right thing even though it may be difficult. 


A story can only have one theme and it is always stated not implied. True or Flase

False. Theme isn't always stated, sometimes it is implied.

A story can have more than one theme. 


Jasmine really wanted a new pair of shoes for school but her family didn't have enough money. Jasmine decided to open a lemonade stand to earn the money for the shoes. It took Jasmine several days of stirring, smiling, and sitting in the sun until she earned enough money. There were many times when Jasmine thought she would never make enough money and wanted to quit. Thankfully, she didn't quit and worked hard. Jasmine was so proud of her new shoes because she earned them and paid for them herself. 

Hard work pays off. 

You should never give up on the things you want.


Addyson has wanted a dog for years. She finally talked her mom into letting her get one as long as Addyson promised to take care of it herself. Addyson had to potty train, walk, feed, and play with the dog everyday. It was a lot of work but she promised her mom she would do it. Addyson loved her dog and was proud of herself for taking such good care of it. 

Owning pets can teach you RESPONSIBILITY. 


Julie was unhappy with her job because she didn't get enough time off. She quit once she found a job that promised her weekends and holidays off. While Julie did receive weekends and holidays off, Julie's new job was a lot more stressful than her previous job. At first she thought her new job seemed more fun and interesting. Now she realized how great her old job was. Julie regretted changing jobs and wished she could go back. 

Be appreciative of what you have.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side.


Jenna was invited to her friend's birthday party. Jenna was so excited and told her friend she would be there. Later that day she realized she had a soccer game the same time as the party. Jenna really wanted to go to the party but she knew she couldn't skip the game because it would let the team down. Jenna apologized to her friend and had to tell her she couldn't make it after all because she had a game. 

Don't back out of prior commitments even if there is something else you would rather do. 
