short stories
I need to _____ my lost shoe. A. find B. harvested C. splash
What is A. find
The woodcutters' saws are screeching and tearing. You get stuck on the word WOODCUTTERS'. What should you do? A. Break the word into parts. B. Spell the word C. Stop reading.
What is A. Break the word into parts.
Which word has the same ending sounds as POKE? A. smoke B. rake C. pin
What is A. smoke
We drove the car on the ______. Say it, spell it.
What is ROAD?
Which 2 words rhyme? A. cope, cape B. hope, cope C. hope, hop
What is B. hope, cope
I will jump in the pool and make a _____. A. splash B. depend C. find.
What is A. splash?
The wind whips around To boldly bully the bees. But I dance in it all-Just the sky and me. Where is the character in this poem. A. inside B. taking a nap C. outside
What is C. outside
Hope _____ a ball. It goes over a fence. A. kicks B. kicking C. will kick
What is A. kicks
I will _____ the laundry. Say it, spell it.
What is FOLD?
Darren wants to play baseball with his friends. He puts on his cap. But Darren doesn't have a baseball glove! What could you add to the story to fix Darren's problem? A. Darren takes off his cap. B. Darren can use his brother's old glove. C. Darren can't play baseball.
What is B. Darren can use his brother's old glove.
I will hide. Can you ______ me? A. peaceful B. find C. depend
What is B. find
There are soft-colored days when the birds are nesting. The fox lies still in a new-found lair. But out of the quiet grows a grumbling rumble. How are the birds and the fox alike? A. They both can fly. B. They are both in their homes. C. They both live in a lair.
What is B. They are both in their homes.
Which word has the same ending sound as TOLD? A. tack B. tail C. cold
What is C. cold
It is ____ outside during the winter. Say it, spell it.
What is COLD?
Which 2 words rhyme? A. road, rall B. toad, tad C. road, toad
What is C. road, toad?
Some people ____ on the rain to bring water to their plants. A. depend B. scent C. harvest
What is A. depend?
There are blazing days in the burst of summer. The fox stays cool in a deep dark lair. But the beautiful trees are troubled and trembling. It is hot outside. How is it different where the fox is? A. It is bright. B. It is cool. C. It is loud.
What is B. It is cool.
the fox made a nice home under the tree. Which sentence is correct? A. The fox made a nice home under a tree. B. the Fox made a nice home under a tree. C. the fox made a nice home under a tree?
What is A. The fox made a nice home under a tree
I will _____ the dishes in the dishwasher. Say it, spell it.
What is LOAD?
Raindrops drizzle down On the flowers and weeds. Sun smiles from above On the beautiful trees. How are the flowers and weeds alike? A. They are both trees. B. They are both smiling C. They are both wet from rain.
What is C. They are both wet from rain.
It is nice to read when the room is ______. A. scent B. peaceful C. harvested
What is B. peaceful?
Cars race and roar on the slick new surface. Hurry now, fox. You can't stay there! Which words have the same beginning sound? A. race, roar B. hurry, fox C. cars,race
What is A. race, roar
All sentences should start with a ________, and end with some type of _______.
What is capital letter, and end with a punctuation.
Is is not hers it is ______.Say it, spell it.
What is HIS?
Mr. Hale burned the food. He is _______ it too long. A. cook B. cooking C. cooked
What is B. cooking