Describe this weather pattern?
Wet, Thunder, Lightening, Windy, Rain, Foggy, Dark, etc.
What group of foods with this item belong to?
Italian Food, Pasta Dishes, etc.
Describe this item.
Drives, Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Driver Seats, Extends, Door, Table, Outdoors, Big or Small
Describe this item.
Water, Different Depths, Ladder, Diving Board, Different Shapes, Outside, Above or Below Ground, etc.
What is this item used for?
Keep your feet dry, wearing them in the rain, doing yard work, etc.
Where is somewhere you might find this item?
Restaurant (e.g., Taco Bell, Mexican Restaurants), Grocery Store, Taco Truck, etc.
Where might you find this landmark?
Paris, France, Overseas
What are these items used for?
Gardening, planting and removing flowers, doing yard work, etc.
Where might this type of weather occur?
Midwest, Northern States, Canada, etc.
What is this item used for?
Toasts bread, bagels, and waffles; make breakfast
Describe this landmark.
Canyon, Deep, Large, Water, Erosion, West Coast
Where might you do this activity?
Mountains, Forests, Specific States