Geography is the study of
earth and its people
The term location refers to?
a particular place
studying human-environmet interaction allows?
geographers to exsplore the relationship between people and the environment
the theme of place refers to
how we describe what a location is like
in the theme of movement, we study how
people, resources, and ideas movie
Name 2 themes of geography.
location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region
where something is in relation to something else
Human environment interaction it includes
How people defend on modify and adapt to the environment
a _____ includes the physical and human characteristics of a place
somtimes people choose move because there are
bether jodes, more freedom or different resorses
We organize the world into spacial terms through different tools. Name 2
maps,globes, graphs, diagrams, aerial and other photographs, and other geographical representations.
The ABSOLUTE LOCATION of a place is
it's exact location
People need
Food shelter and clothing
a places human characteristics come from
human ideas and interactions
we call this kind of movement
from one place to another
A geographer is a scientist who____
thinks about how people live and work in there environment.
We can find the absolute location on
a map
They set up
irrigation and farming systems to meet agricultural needs
people make choices about
where they live
migration is one of the ways people, ideas,
and materials move
Sometimes the when the environment is puloted people are
struggling in some way.
Cartographers are?
people how create maps
People adapt to their environment when they
adapt to The Climate and natural resources available in different areas
there are lots of human characteristics what are tow
states cites townes homes buildings and lots more
goods are moved from place to place in
many ways