Levi, the tax collector
Jewish focus
Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and expectations (Messiah, etc.)
Jesus descended from Abraham and David
Jesus is the new, improved Moses who fulfills law
Constant connection to prophecies
You are humble, you know you’re not in control of things (God is)
poor in spirit
You are free of selfish intentions/desires; you do good with no expectation of return
clean of heart
God’s presence in our lives transforms, changes, and sustains us
Short intro greeting
“Grace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”
Traditionally Gentile physician and Paul’s traveling companion
Written 80-85 AD to Gentile Christian audience
Jesus was like all humans and came to redeem all people
Jesus made constant effort to reach out to outcasts of society
Jesus treated as equals
Poor people
Immoral people
Gentile focus
Attention to outcasts, women, sinners
You mourn/regret your own sins and suffering in the world (you’re supposed to feel sad/do smth about your sin)
You reject violence/hatred; you work FOR peace
salvation; we’re saved when we have faith in Jesus and live in right relationship with God (not so much by OT law)
Justification by Faith
Reason for the letter
Includes attitude towards the recipient
Traditionally 2nd generation Christian, follower of apostle Peter
Written 65-70 AD to Christian audience undergoing Roman Persecution
Jesus was the secret Messiah
No one could understand the kind of Anointed One He was while He was still alive (Messianic Secret theme)
Secret Messiah
Suffering Servant
You endure hardship wo/ anger or resentment; stay calm in life stresses
It is not easy to stand up for what is right, but you do it anyway
world says the cross is a sign of weakness and death; our faith tells us that by His death on the cross and resurrection afterwards, Christ showed victory and life
Paradox of the Cross
Body of the letter
Issues addressed
instruction/encouragement given
Traditionally youngest apostle of Jesus
Written +/- 100 AD to varied Christian audience - Jewish, Gentile, Samaritan
Jesus was the Word of God in human form (incarnate)
I.e. words that flow out of God, are visible and active in Jesus’s human body
Every Jesus miracle was a sign that He was God
Miracles are signs that He’s God
You make continuous effort to create right/just relationships w/ others
Hunger and thirst for righteousness
How many Letters were there? How many did Paul write?
21, 13
we’re all members of Christ’s Body - the Church. Each important. Each united.
Body of Christ
Personal news
About the author and those with him
Final Greetings
Actions + attitudes that should characterize Jesus’ followers in which Kingdom of God (KOG) can be built
You show loving disposition toward those who suffer
Who were the writers of the letters? How are they arranged?
Paul, Peter, James, John, Jude
longest to shortest
Includes name of the writer and name of recipient
Prayer offered
That recipient continues to follow Jesus and grow in faith