Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4

Ethics means...

What is the study of morality?


Objective Truth means...

What is factual things that can not be changed by opinion?


Passions are..

Whats is our emotions?

Consolation is...

What is a person moving towards God?


Your friend goes to target and steals makeup. You are with them and you laugh and help them put the items in their purse.What type of cooperation in evil is this?

What is a formal cooperator?


Imago Dei means...

What is image of God?


Utilitarianism means...

What is good action cause the greatest amount of pleasure to the greatest amount of people?


Temperaments are not...

What is not your whole personality/not an excuse for we act?


Indifference is...

What is the detachment one needs to choose God's plan?


You buy clothing from a store that you know has slaves working in a factory making the clothing. What type of cooperation in evil is this? Did you sin by making this choice?

What is Proximate Mediate Material Cooperator and Guilty?


Human are inherently... 

What is Good?


Freedom of Indifference is...

What is we have the license to do whatever we want?


Venial sins are...

What are small and simple sins that distort our understanding of the good?


Virtues are...

What is a character trait that is habitual act by which we attain our telos?


As a doctor, with a terminally ill patient, you choose to give your patient directions and the phone number to a local clinic where they can be euthanized. You personally do not agree with euthanasia, but want to give your patient what he wants.

What is a Immediate material cooperator and Guilty?


The Eschatological Human is...

What is as we ought to be?


Invincibly ignorant conscience is...

What is you don't know good from evil but there is no expectation that you could or should know?

Sloth is...

What is physical laziness and a disinterest in spiritual matters?


Beatitudes are...

What are positive laws that are harder to follow but better for you?


You own and operate a drive thru Daiquiri shop. A client buys a daiquiri from you, drinks and drives, and gets into a car wreck. What type of cooperation in evil is this? Did you sin by making this choice?

What is Remote Mediate Material Cooperator and not guilty? 


What is the central question of theology?

Teacher what good must I do to inherit eternal life?


Lynda wants to feed her children but has no money so she goes into a grocery store and steals $200 worth of groceries. Is Lynda action morally good or bad according to the principle of double effect?

What is morally bad because her action of stealing is bad even though her intention is good?


You are a defense attorney for an obviously (they confessed to you) guilty client. You do not agree with what they did, but you choose to represent them due to the money being offered. What type of cooperation in evil is this?

What is a immediate material cooperator?

If someone is in desolation what so they do?

What is to not make change, work harder, use gifts to resit temptation, as God for help and slow down?


Michael is a pharmacist working at a local pharmacy. One day, a customer comes in with a prescription for a abortion medication. Michael does not agree with this medication but fills the prescription. 

What is a immediate material cooperator? 
