Because of Rahab’s displaying this sign her house was spared when Jericho was destroyed.
A “cord of scarlet thread” that she was to tie in the window by which the spies made their escape. (Joshua 2:17-21)
The high priest wore a special ephod, on the front of which was mounted the breastpiece with how many precious stones?
12 precious stones. (Ex 28:4, 6)
The main food of the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness. It was provided by Jehovah.
First lesson in the Enjoy Life forever Book
How Can the Bible Help You?
The Greek name for the Valley of Hinnom, south and southwest of ancient Jerusalem.
A magician in the city of Samaria who so amazed the nation with his magical arts. He offered money for the authority needed so that those upon whom he laid his hands would receive holy spirit.
How many books are there in the Greek Scriptures?
27 books
If someone presented a grain offering to Jehovah, his offering would be...
Fine flour
From 1912 to the beginning of 1914 the Watch Tower Society spent a fortune (over $300,000) in preparing this tool to spread Bible knowledge to the masses of people during and after 1914.
The Photo-Drama of Creation
A Greek word. It is translated “Grave” (capitalized), to distinguish it as the common grave of mankind.
He had to bathe seven times in the Jordan River.
How many elders were selected by Moses to assist him in carrying the load of the people?
70 elders (Nu 11:13-29).
What kind of oil did the Queen of Sheba bring as a gift to Solomon?
Balsamic oil
In this year we embraced the truly distinctive name Jehovah’s Witnesses
Name used in the Christian Greek Scriptures for what is called the Festival of Harvest or Festival of Weeks in the Hebrew Scriptures
They were the two candidates suggested as possible replacements for Judas Iscariot as an apostle.
Joseph Barsabbas (Justus) and Matthias
How many miracles are credited to Elijah in the Bible account?
8 miracles.
The Shulammite girl asked for this food to sustain and refresh her because she was lovesick
Refresh me with raisin cakes; Sustain me with apples, For I am lovesick. (Song of Solomon 2:5)
Albert D. Schroeder, was designated registrar and served as chairman of the committee to get the first Guilead school organized. How old was he?
He was then 31 years of age
Non-Israelite temple servants, or ministers. Many of them were descendants of the Gibeonites. The Hebrew term literally means “Given Ones,” implying that they were given for temple service.
Peter cut off this man’s ear with a sword stroke and was then reproved by Jesus.
The slave of the high priest. The name of the slave was Malchus.
How much time did the Guilead School Teaching Commitee receive to develop the courses, work up the lectures, and gather a library for the first class.
Four months
Manoah offered this special food for the angel of Jehovah
A young goat (Judges 13:15)
Year of the first Guilead class
A convert. In the Scriptures, this refers to one who embraced Judaism, which in the case of a male involved getting circumcised.