When was the animated video series for children, Become Jehovah's Friend, released? And, what were the first two lessons? BONUS: What member of the Governing Body gives the introductory comments of the video?
2012, Obey Your Parents, Obey Jehovah
Anthony Morris III
What lesson does this picture appear in? What lesson does it teach?
Lesson 42, What Does the Bible Say About Singleness and Marriage
Picture Caption: If two animals that are very different are yoked together, they will suffer. Likewise, a Christian who marries an unbeliever will have many problems
Who brought along a sword to the garden?
Hint: He didn't have very good aim!
Peter (Story 100, Jesus in the Garden)
What was the first whiteboard animation?
Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists
Bonus: What is your favorite whiteboard animation?
What city did Paul say he would return to "if Jehovah is willing"?
Ephesus (Acts 18:18-21)
When was the first Young People Ask videocassette released? What was it called?
1999, Young People Ask - How Can I Make Real Friends?
What lesson does this picture appear in? What lesson does it teach?
Lesson 53, Choose Entertainment That Pleases Jehovah
Picture Caption: You can enjoy wholesome entertainment and recreation
How long did it take Joshua and his army to defeat all the kings in the Promised Land, and how many kings did he defeat?
Six years, 31 Kings (Story 49, The Sun Stands Still)
What is the only illustrated original song music video?
Safeguard Your Mind
At what island was Paul shipwrecked?
Malta (Acts 28:1)
BONUS: What animals cannot be found on Malta?
When was the book Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible released?
BONUS: What do you appreciate about the "new Bible storybook"?
What lesson are these subjects discussed in?
SOME PEOPLE SAY: “Jehovah’s Witnesses are just a new religion.”
Our principal journal, The Watchtower, has published Bible truth consistently since 1879.
Real Christians base their beliefs on the Bible and share them with others
Lesson 19, Are Jehovah's Witnesses Real Christians?
Bonus: What convinced you Jehovah's Witnesses teach the truth?
How many years was Paul in prison in Ceasarea for?
Two (Story 111, A Boy Who Fell Asleep)
Before Jade gets baptized, what Psalm helps her to overcome her struggle with unbelieving family members? (Chapter and Verse, or what it says)
Psalm 86:11
I will walk in your truth, unify my heart to fear your name.
In what city were the disciples called Christians?
Antioch (Acts 11:26)
When was the publication Pure Worship of Jehovah - Restored At Last released? What event was it released at?
BONUS: What member of the Governing Body released the book?
2018, Annual Meeting
Geoffery Jackson
In what lesson can you find an explanation of 1914?
Lesson 32, God's Kingdom Now Rules!
Who was King Nebuchadnezzar's chief servant?
Ashpenaz (Story 75, Four Boys in Babylon)
In Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith Part 1, how many months passed after Daniel said Nebuchadnezzar would go mad before it happened?
Twelve Months
Where did Christians from Rome travel 30 miles South East to so they could meet Paul?
Three Taverns (Acts 28:13-15)
When did we get our new songbook?
2016, Annual Meeting
In what lesson is baptism discussed?
Lesson 23, Baptism—A Worthwhile Goal!
Are these real horses? Why?
No. Because horses can't run on the clouds. (Story 114, The End of All Badness)
In the modern-day drama 'These Words... Must Be on Your Heart" what is Rebecca's favorite kingdom song?
Song 134 (in Sing to Jehovah) See Yourself When All Is New
Where were Paul and Silas sent after Jews assaulted the house of Jason?
Beroea (Acts 17:10-15)