Where did Theodora live?
1: Crete
2: Syria
(Etheir one is fine!)
What happend in the Nika Revolt?
There was a big fight, but Thodora spoke out
Did she influence men or women rights?
Women's rights
Who was Theodora's friend?
What did Theodora die from?
How old was Theodora when she got married?
20 years old or younger
What did Theodora speak out on?
Women's rights
Where did she provided shelter?
(Just need one!!)
palace for Monophysite leaders and founded a Monophysite monastery in Sycae, across the harbor from Constantinople
How many kids did she have, before Justinian?
One daughter and three sons
What people teach Theodora's religon?
Bishop or Monophysite monks
What year did Theodora get married?
525 C.E
Who did Theodora stop from running away?
What kind of law did Theodora reform?
Family law
Who is Antonina's husband?
What day did she die?
June 28, 548
When Thodora get crowned emperess?
2 years after she got married (527 C.E)
How many people did Justinian's generals kill?
Over 30,000 people
Besides ending the death penalty for women guilty of adultery and altering divorce laws to require written notification and cause, what did her reform of family law eliminate?
Prohibitions against women acting as guardians of their children
What did Theodora and Antonina have in common?
They were both actresses
Where was the church built?
Why couldn't they marry each other?
Emperor Justin I (Justinian's uncle) made a law that said goverment officals couldn't marry actresses
What did she speak about other than womens rights?
(Just need one!)
Inner council of war, she argued that for the emperor, death was preferable to flight.
What two reforms did Theodora influence?
Justinian's legal and spiritual reforms
What were the names of Theodora's three sons?
(Just get 1-2 right!)
Anastasius, John, and Athanasius
Where did they burry Theodora?
Church of the Holy Apostles