Along with Mind, Conscience & Will, this is the fourth dimension of the heart.
What is 'emotions'?
Our grid is how we experience life through the lens of our previous _________ ________________.
What is 'lived experience'?
Our panel is a group of ________ that sit in constant scrutiny of all we do.
What are 'judges'?
While the lens through which we experience life is constantly forming and reforming, these two periods are especially critical developmental periods when the brain is undergoing momentous growth and pruning.
What are 'infancy' and 'adolescence'?
Our inner life forms the _______ through which we understand and experience God, ourselves & others. Sometimes it is distorted.
What is 'lens'?
Memory includes the capacity to reassemble - or literally, ________________ a circumstance or event in our thinking and recall emotions that are attached.
What is 're-member'?
We rarely question our grid's ___________; in fact, we are seldom aware it exists. We simply assume the way we experience things is the way they really are.
What is 'accuracy'?
Our panel members typically come from our _______ ___ _________; but could also include teachers, coaches, etc.
What is 'family of origin'?
A baby's brain needs these two things to develop.
What are 'stimulation' and 'love'?
This is the Old Testament word for 'heart,' which occurs at least 850 times.
What is 'leb'?
Name the Scripture that offers an earnest prayer asking God to search our hearts (take an inventory) - or our inner lives - for anything contrary to His dreams and designs.
What is 'Psalm 139:23-24'?
False images formed during childhood have the power to influence and direct our lives as adults - this is the power of the _____ in the __________.
What are 'past' and 'present?'
Our panels may consist of people who are long removed from our daily lives but whose influence continues to determine our sense of ________ and _____-_________.
What are 'being' and 'well-being'?
In a study about development, a strong link was found between nurturing at this age and the size of the hippocampus - a part of the brain associated with memory.
What is 'age four'?
'One of the amazing things about the human being is that it is capable of restoration, and indeed of a restoration that makes it somehow more magnificent because it has been ruined' is a quote by this famous American philosopher and Christian author.
Who is 'Dallas Willard'?
This component of our will involves the ability to choose - to direct our energies toward what matters most.
What is 'determination'?
Our grid consists of a lifetime of ________.
What is 'images'?
Until we _______ and _________ the negative panel members, they can continue to influence our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior.
What are 'identify' and 'remove'?
The vast majority of brain development occurs in these two basic stages.
What are 'growth spurts' and 'pruning'?
In this approach to spiritual growth, we seemingly pass increasingly difficult tests of character and obedience in order to progress. The goal of this approach is to "get there."
What is 'linear approach'?
Our inner world can become boxed in by the four walls, which are: __________, __________, __________, and __________.
What are 'anger', 'fear', 'guilt', and 'distrust'?
Our _________ is typically congruent with the images we have formed throughout our lives, whether those images are true or not.
What is 'behavior'?
__________, ________, & the ______ _________ should be the totality of each person's panel.
Who are 'Jesus', 'God', and the 'Holy Spirit'?
During adolescence, this parent has the ability to call out and bless the deepest parts of the child's identity.
Who is the 'father'?
This approach to spiritual growth is formed layer over layer - some layers are vibrant and healthy and others are worm-eaten and diseased, yet both exist simultaneously as part of an integrated whole. The implication is that Christ can be quite active within us and through us, even though parts of our inner lives may be unhealthy.
What is the 'spatial approach'?