The puppet king of all Judah.
Who was Herod the Great?
This "first Gospel" of the Old Testament told the old Adam and Eve about the new Adam and maybe even the new Eve.
What is the protoevangelium?
In this mysterious moment, Mary hears God through the angel Gabriel, she submits to the will of God, and she is made miraculously pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
What was the Annunciation?
This Babylon had conquered the northern Kingdom, and the blending between them and the native Hebrews created Samaritans.
What was Assyria?
The covenant with this man demonstrated that God wanted all humanity to rule creation as a just king.
Who is Adam?
This young woman received an angelic messenger.
Who was Mary?
Mary's role in salvation history helped reverse the sins of this woman.
Who was Eve?
In this mystery, John and Jesus first met, and Mary sang a song of praise as a result, all because Mary wanted to help her cousin Elizabeth.
What is the Visitation?
This Babylon also tried to kill many Hebrew boys.
What is Egypt?
The covenant with this man demonstrated that God's love for all humanity is greater than his desire to destroy humanity.
Who is Noah?
The arrival of these Persian astronomers was later interpreted to represent the arrival of representatives from all three then-known continents.
Who were the magi or the wise men?
People like this have been seen in the Bible since before the time of the patriarchs and consistently throughout, and they are the first to arrive to adore the Lamb of God when he is born.
What were shepherds?
In this mystery, Simeon sang a song of praise in the midst of the Temple, grateful that he was able to set eyes on his savior, though Jesus was only just a baby.
What is the Presentation, or the Purification?
This Babylon conquered independent Judea, setting itself up for a century of tension and constant threat of rebellions.
What is Rome?
The covenant with this man out of the East represented God's desire to grant all nations blessing, but that it would be mediated through one family line.
Who was Abram, or Abraham?
The many young victims of a murderous king.
Who were the Holy Innocents?
At its start, the Gospel of Matthew highlights the covenant with David by baking in three occasions of this number, a number that itself means David.
What is 14?
The Immaculate this has to do with the personal holiness of Mary from the earliest moment of her life.
What is Conception, as in Immaculate Conception?
It is clear that this favorite nation of God has become just as bad as the nations when the Holy Family has to flee into another one.
What is Judah, or Judea, or "all Israel"?
The covenant with this man created a system of laws and sacrifices that hoped to build up a people to be distinct, good, living witnesses to God's love.
Who is Moses?
This prophetess met Jesus in the temple when he was a baby.
Who was Anna?
The song of Mary recalls the song of this woman, mother of the last judge and the first prophet.
Who was Anna, or Hannah?
When Herod ordered the killing of all children under the age of two in the region around Bethlehem, a wailing was heard, a loud this.
What is lamentation?
This Babylon conquered another, and was somehow crueler---so much so that Judas Maccabeus rebelled in response.
What was Greek Persia, or the Seleucid Empire?
The covenant with this Bethlehemite man promised that a descendent of his would reign forever from an everlasting throne.
Who was David?