The ultimate release from samsara
Nigeria, Benin, Togo
Where do most Yoruba people reside?
A celebration of a young girl's maturity and spirit
What is the Sunrise Ceremony?
Want, Craving or Desire
What is the source of all suffering?
The central concept or practice of the Aborigine.
What is the Dreaming? (or Dreamtime)
What is the outcast caste in Hinduism?
Who is the supreme god of the Yoruba?
Rocky Mountains and Mississippi
The Plains Indians settled between the borders of these two places in North America.
Someone who has given up all personal possessions in order to live simply and relgiously
What is a mendicant?
Symbols from nature that define one's roles and responsibilities
What are totems?
The soul
What is atman?
The ritualistic practice of seeking knowledge through supernatural means.
What is Divination?
Wankan Tanka
What is the supreme god in Lakota beliefs?
The path to enlightenment focusing on right action and right speech.
EightFold Path
These spirits are a major part of our culture.
What are ancestors?
Rebirth into new life forms
Mostly in cities
Where do the Yoruba live primarily?
The introduction of this animal revolutionized the Plains Indian's culture.
What is a horse?
Rejecting extremes and living a life of balance
The Middle Way
Where are the Aborigine tribes located?
The Vedas
What are the four sacred texts of Hinduism?
What is the sacred text of the Yoruba people?
Individual isolates in nature for several days; Fasts and prays for a vision; Vision provides life direction and purpose
What is a Vision Quest?
The truth of Suffering, the Cause of Suffering, the truth to the cause of suffering, the path to the end of the cause of suffering
What are the Four Noble Truths?
Approximately 300 years ago
When did European colonists come to Australia?