Fill in the blank: The Bible is a __________ book.
The Sacraments are considered ____________ with Jesus Christ
For every baptized Christian, they are considered ....
Confirmation confirms the gift of __________ from Baptism
Holy Spirit
The Eucharist is __________________________
Body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ
Is the Bible: man-made, God-given, or both?
How does God keep his promise of Emmanuel?
The Sacraments
In this Gospel, Jesus declares that you must be baptized to enter the Kingdom of Heaven
What book of the bible does it show the apostles laying hands on already baptized persons
In simple terms, how do you define the word transubstantiation?
change of substance
In the late 300's, what synod or council started creating the canon of the bible we have today?
Synod of Rome
Sacraments make intangible grace into _______ grace
In this preparation, people receive more Sacraments than just baptism
What biblical event is repeated in confirmation?
In order to properly receive the Eucharist you must be free from ________
Mortal Sin
Who was responsible for creating the Latin Vulgate translation of the Holy Bible.
St. Jerome
How is the Church considered a Sacrament?
It communicates and provides the Sacraments
St. Gensius and many other Saints are an example of what type of Baptism?
Baptism by blood
In the East, other than a bishop is allowed to perform Confirmation?
Any priest
What bible verse does Jesus double down that the bread is his body? You only need book title and chapter.
John 6
What group of people did Martin Luther not agree with which led to him removing books from the Catholic bible?
Jews who wrote in Greek
This word is the emphasis of the Mysterium.
This effect/implication of baptism allows you to sacrifice your personal things
Common Priesthood
To be confirmed, you must be baptized, have a sponsor, preparation and be _________.
Age of Reason
On the spectrum of literal to non-literal perspectives of the Eucharist, who believes the Eucharist to be completely non-literal?