an extended comparison in which many elements of a story stand for deeper realities like abstract ideas, moral qualities, or spiritual realities
Old Testament manuscripts discovered in 1947 in a cave near the Dead Sea along with other writings.
Dead Sea Scrolls
This set of books contains stories of prehistory and of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Pentateuch (The Torah)
What circumstances lead to Moses being found by the Egyptian princess?
Rameses order of killing all the first borns led to Moses’s mother hiding Moses in a basket, sending it down a river, where the Egptian princess later found it.
a formal statement of religious belief
A sign and source of grace instituted by Jesus Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is bestowed on us through the Holy Spirit.
This set of books includes, generally, reminders to the Chosen People to change
The Prophetical Books
What is a Etiology?
a story that gives the cause of something
What is the liturgy?
The official public worship of the Church.
These books address the ways that God works in individuals’ everyday lives.
What is a prophecy?
an inspired utterance made by a prophet that expresses God’s will
What languages were the Dead Sea scrolls written in?
Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek
These books describe how God remained faithful to the covenant and how the Israelites struggled to live according to the Law through time.
Historical Books
Name Five Bibical Genres
Allegory, Creed, Etiology, Fable, History, Law, Prophecy, Genealogy, Riddle, Parable
Jewish sect who lived simple lives, believing a new kingdom was coming.Elders wrote about their culture and way of life.
Who were the Essenes?
What are three stages of the formation of the Old Testament?