Virtues help us to live ______ lives and become more like ______.
What are the 3 main vocations?
consecrated life, married life, single life
Why is it important to care for babies that are in their mothers womb?
they are human people created in God's image and likeness and have dignity
How can we make happiness visible through our bodily actions?
smiling, laughing, singing, etc
We all have a universal vocation to _____ one another.
How can we care for newborns and children?
answers will vary
Why was it so important for Peppe to get a job?
his father was sick and his mother had died so he needed to make money to support the family
In what Sacrament do men make vows to God to lead the Church?
Holy Orders
How can we care for adults?
answers will vary
In what way did Peppe pass the time while lighting the lamps? What was he thinking about?
he was praying for his family, friends, and himself relating the activity to lighting candles in Church (special intentions)
What is the difference between a nun and a sister?
nuns stay in the convent and pray while sisters go out into the community to serve others
How can we care for the elderly?
answers will vary
How can you make yourself a gift through your work?
do your work with cheer and do things that make the world better - answers will vary
What is discernment?
the process of figuring out God's plan for your life
At which stage of life do humans have the greatest value?
all humans have the same value from the womb to the elderly - all people have the same dignity and are made in God's image and likeness and have the same importance