This theorist is credited for his work in CBT
Who is Aaron Beck?
Dreamwork would typically be used in _______
What is Psychoanalytic therapy?
This theory focuses on the nature of the human condition, which includes a capacity for self awareness, freedom of choice to decide one’s fate, responsibility, anxiety, the search for meaning, being alone and being in relation with others, striving for authenticity, and facing living and dying.
What is Existential therapy?
This person was in a demonstrational video with Fritz Perls
Who is Gloria?
This meme was used in the lecture for ______ therapy
What is Existential therapy?
This theorist is credited for his work in REBT
Who is Albert Ellis?
Reauthoring alternative life stories is a technique used in ________ therapy
What is Narrative therapy?
This theory states that human beings are basically determined by psychic energy and by early experiences. Unconscious motives and conflicts are central in present behavior. Early development is of critical importance because later personality problems have their roots in repressed childhood conflicts.
What is Psychoanalytic therapy?
This person is __________
Who is Alfred Adler?
This cartoon video was used for the lecture of _______therapy
What is Family therapy?
These 2 theorists are credited for their work in Family therapy
Who are Murray Bowen and Virgina Satir?
Asking the Miracle Question is a technique used in ________ therapy
What is Solution Focused Brief therapy?
This theory's key concepts include contact with self and others, contact boundaries, body languagevand awareness. As an experiential approach, it is grounded in the here and now and emphasizes awareness, personal choice, and responsibility.
What is Gestalt therapy?
This person is _________
Who is Carl Rogers?
I didn't use this one in class, but I wish I did. This meme best relates to _______ therapy
What is Psychoanalytic therapy?
These 2 theorists are credited for founding Narrative therapy
Creating a heirarchy of exposure therapy is a technique of ______ therapy
What is Cogntive Behavior therapy?
This theory states that individuals tend to incorporate faulty thinking, which leads to emotional and behavioral disturbances. Cognitions are the major determinants of how we feel and act. Therapy is primarily oriented toward cognition and behavior, and it stresses the role of thinking, deciding, questioning, doing, and redeciding.
What is Cognitive Behavior therapy?
This person is _________
Who is Viktor Frankl?
I didn't use this one, but this meme best relates to _____ therapy
What is Cogntive Behavior therapy?
These 2 married theorists are credited for founding this theory
Who are Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Share
The "WDEP" system is a framework technique of ______ therapy
What is Reality therapy?
This theory states clients are connected to a living system and, therefore, a change in one part of the system will result in a change in other parts.
What is Family therapy?
This person is in a video working with a family and has been compared to Mrs. Doubtfire
Who is Virgina Satir?
This image was used in a lecture for ________therapy
What is Reality therapy?