The 3 parts of the minds internal structure
What is Id, Ego, and Superego
Found that behavior could be represented by two dimensions: Introversion/Extroversion and Neuroticism/Stability.
What is Hans Eysenck
A person's belief about whether or not they're capable of bringing about desired results
What is self-efficacy
The humanistic theory is built on the premise of a person's _____, consisting of their real self and their ideal self
What is self-concept
The ego is supposed to act as the ____ between the id and superego
What is moderator
The distinction between obvious and underlying aspects of behavior
What is surface and source traits
Predicts people will weigh potential rewards according to their own subjective probability
What is Expectancy Value Theory
Lowest level on the hierarchy of needs
What is physiological
Those three parts of the mind can often come into conflict, pushing for ______
What is opposite behaviors
Theory describing that personality is determined at birth
What is Gordon Allport's trait theroy
Bandura emphasized that people's __ of reality might be more important than reality itself
What is perception
Best known for their model of the hierarchy of needs
What is Abraham Maslow
According to Frued, unresolved conflict between the different parts of the mind leads to ___
What is anxiety
The theory focusing on 5 major personality traits typically abbreviated as OCEAN
What is Big Five Theory
Proposed that people might differ from one another in their generalized expectancies
What is Julian Rotter
Highest level of need on the hierarchy, turned to once all previous needs have been fufilled
What is self-actualization
Frued believed that part of the reason so much of the personality is in the subconscious is because many __, __, and ___ are threatening for us to admit to ourselves
What is motives, thoughts, and feelings
(From Allport's theory) Rare traits that develop over a lifetime and act as the overarching trait that drives the person's life
What is cardinal trait
The degree to which people believe that they have control over their lives as opposed to external forces
What is locus of control
The humanistic approach is about ___
What is free will