Multiple choice- What theorist agreed with Vygotsky about pretend play? A. Elmo B. Piaget C. Skinner D. All the above
Answer What is Pagiet
Basic Knowledge- Montessori method focuses on what type of skills as well as academic skills
Answer What is social Skills
Vocabulary- What is the newest learning style?
Answer What is existential- ability to ponder life questions (life/death)
Multiple intelligence- What are the 3 main types of intelligence?
Answer- What is Practical, Creative, Analytical
Linguistics- How long would it take to teach someone every language rule?
Answer What is a life time
Short Answer- How can inner speech be beneficial to students when learning?
Answer What is thought organization and visualization
Basic Knowledge- What ages are consisted in the first stage ( Early childhood)
Answer What is 0-6
Basic Knowledge- Which learning styles are most valued in school settings?
Answer What is mathematical and linguistic
Basic Knowledge- Why does he think you can have all 4 types of intelligence?
Answer What is “Successfully intelligent”
Basic Knowledge- What language senses are babies born with?
Answer What is all languages
True or false- scaffolding is the I Do, We Do, You Do process
Answer What is true
Short answer- What is the importance of giving a child independence?
Answer What is leads to an increase of confidence and self belief
Short Answer- What did Gardner say about the intelligence you are born with
Answer What is you are not born with all of the intelligence you will have
Short Answer- What is analytical intelligence?
Answer What is academic problem solving
Theory- What style of intelligence did Chromsky focus on?
Answer What is linguistics
what is the word for this definition, temporary social support provided by an adult or more capable peer for a child to accomplish a task
Answer What is scaffolding
Short Answer- Children simply absorb everything in the environment by?
Answer What is experiencing it and being a part of it.
Vocabulary- What style is “self smart”
Answer What is intrapersonal
Vocabulary- What is the +1 intelligence called?
Answer What is wisdom
Short Answer- What is he a founder of?
Answer What is field in cognitive science