In C Major: Looks like a I6/4, preceding a sub-dominant harmony.
What is V/IV?
In A Major: i.
What is A, C, E?
Involving a dominant harmony "of" a different key area.
What is an applied dominant?
What is introductory function?
The expected quality of a triad built on the fourth scale degree in a Major key.
What is Major?
In C# minor: C#, E#, and G#.
What is I/Major mode mixture of tonic?
The spelling of an applied dominant of vi in F Major.
What is A, C#, E? (V)
What is A, C#, E, G? (V7)
What is C#, E, G? (vii-dim)
What is C#, E, G, Bb? (vii-dim7)
A chromatic chord that uses a lowered scale degree 3, 6, 7, or some combination of these tones.
What is a borrowed chord/minor mode mixture chord?
Music that takes the listener from one sonic space to another, often through a key change, or ratcheting up tension for release into a new section.
What is transitional function?
What is oblique motion?
F#, A, C, Eb, in the key of Fm.
What is vii-dim7/ii?
In D minor: a Fr+6 chord.
What are the pitches, Bb, D, E, and G#?
Built off of a lowered second scale degree, but typically has the third on the bottom in musical contexts.
What is a Neapolitan chord?
Music that takes the main ideas of a piece and explores it to its potential, often in fragments, sequences, and imitation. Characterized by instability and searching.
What is developmental function?
The figure bass numbers 4/3, represents this concept.
What is a seventh chord in second inversion?
Made up of solfege syllables Fi, Do, and Le only.
What is an Italian Augmented 6th chord?
The N6, as it would be stacked, lowest voice to highest, in B Major.
What is E, G, C?
What is E, C, G?
Often resolving into a cadential 6/4, the defining pitches in the chord are the flat third scale degree and the interval between a lowered scale degree six and raised four.
What is a German Augmented 6th chord?
Often a musical quote, music that is seemingly unrelated or markedly different than its surroundings.
What is parenthetical function?
A minor key with 7 flats.
What is Ab minor?
In Eb Major: Gb, Bb, Db.
What is bIII?
Using mode mixture in C Major, this chord looks like an applied dominant of a Neapolitan chord.
What is Ab, C, Eb? (bVI = V/N6)
The use of applied or chromatic harmonies to go somewhere else for a cadence or extended period of time. The audible sense of "do" changes.
What is a modulation?
Music that contains the main ideas of a piece, what we might call themes are typically obvious in this function.
What is expositional function?
The standard model for harmonic progression in terms of functions, including tonic, dominant, and pre/sub-dominant. Represented with letters.